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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 15

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September 1960, Number 1
Bud Hardiness of Peach Varieties in IndianaR.B. Tukey2
Strawberry Breeding In New JerseyJ.N. Moore and L.F. Hough3
New Apricot Varieties for UtahR.A. Norton5
Prolonged Dormancy of ApplesAPS8
Apples in Eastern New YorkAPS8
Some Apple Varieties of Outstanding FlavorR.A. Nitschke9
Rootstocks for PlumsAPS12
An Unusual Winter Injury Effect in High Bush BlueberriesG.D. Oberle, R.C. Moore and J.B. Hardigree13
A Resolution of the American Pomological Society on the Labeling of Nursery StockAPS15
Dwarfing Rootstocks Being Sought for CherryAPS15
Performance of the Spencer Apple in MassachusettsW.D. Weeks16
Peach Varieties in IndianaE.J. Downing16
ldared AppleAPS16
Bunch Grape Survival in Upper South CarolinaH.J. Sefick17
American Apple Varieties AbroadAPS18
New English Sweet CherriesAPS19
Peaches in New JerseyE.G. Christ19
More on Tydeman's Early Worcester AppleP. Stark, Jr.19
December 1960, Number 2
Quality Evaluation of Fresh, Canned and Dried Plum Varieties in OregonQ.B. Zielinski and W.M.A. Sistrunk22
Apricot Breeding in CaliforniaAPS22
The Lodi and Fenton Apples as Dwarfs on the EM IX RootstockH.B. Tukey24
Flavor Problems in Breeding NectarinesAPS24
Strawberry Variety Performance in Nova ScotiaD.L. Craig25
Some Important Varieties of Vinifera Table Grapes Introduced Since 1946F.N. Harmon27
Yield-Size Relationship of Strawberry VarietiesJ. Janick and G.E. Marshall29
Pacific Gold AppleJ.E. Miller32
Climatic Conditions and Attractiveness of Apple Varieties (Part II)J.B. Mowry33
Apple Varieties Vary in Response to IrrigationAPS38
Earlired—a New PeachAPS38
Chinook and Rainier Sweet CherriesAPS38
Strawberry Varieties for MichiganAPS38
Blueberry Breeding in GeorgiaW.T. Brightwell and O.J. Woodward39
Early Summer Ripening Pear. in YugoslaviaAPS39
March 1961, Number 3
Vedoka, a New Peach for British ColumbiaO.A. Bradt and D.V. Fisher42
Lake Geneva, a New Red RaspberryG.C. Klingbeil42
Midway, a New Red Stele Resistant Strawberry VarietyD.H. Scott and I.C. Haut45
Sports of Jonathan in VirginiaG.D. Oberle46
Punched Cards as Aids in Evaluating Seedlings in the FieldH.W. Fogle and E. Barnard47
The Ohlson AppleC.D. Schwartze51
Late SunhavenAPS52
Varietal Responses in Strawberries to Winter InjuryG.D. Oberle, S.A. Wingard and J.B. Hardigree55
Trumpeter, a New StrawberryAPS57
Moongold and Sungold ApricotsAPS57
A Survey of Chinese Chestnut VarietiesR.C. Moore58
More on Connell Red AppleG. Yates59
Variety Roundtable at A. P. S. MeetingAPS59
Red Sports of Jonathan in MichiganAPS59
June 1961, Number 4
The Mutsu AppleR.H. Sudds62
Suffolk Early BlackcurrantAPS62
Apricots in OntarioO.A. Bradt63
Muscadine GrapesAPS64
Varietal Differences in Frozeir Apple PiesAPS64
Three New Cranberry VarietiesF.B. Chandler and I.E. Demoranville65
Newtown Pippin (Yellow Newtown)R.A. Nitschke66
Beacon vs Fenton AppleAPS68
An Early French Peach Variety of MeritAPS68
Strawberries in New YorkAPS68
Anatomy of Apple ColorAPS68
Pear Breeding in New JerseyAPS68
Blueberry Varieties to Plant or Discard in Northeastern United StatesG.M. Darrow, D.H. Scott, J.N. Moore, H. Bell and E.M. Meader69
Origin of New York E-6 AppleR.A. Nitchke70
New Apricots in MichiganAPS70
The Everbearing StrawberryO. Rockhill71
Franklin AppleAPS71
New Apple Breeding Program in the SoutheastJ.B. Hardigree72
Strawberry Varieties for FreezingAPS72
The Jefferson PeachG.D. Oberle and R.C. Moore73
Origin of Vinifera Table Grape VarietiesAPS74
Carob VarietiesJ.E. Coit75