January 1976, Number 1 |
Protection and Distribution of New Selections in Domestic and Foreign Markets | F.H. Emerson | 4 |
Early and Late Flowering in Pear | T. van der Zwet and M. Faust | 7 |
Fire Blight Resistance and Fruit Quality in Pear | J. Janick and R.L. Bell | 7 |
Greenhouse Screening of Pear Seedling for Fire Blight Resistance | T. van der Zwet and W.R. Zook | 8 |
Inheritance of Fire Blight Susceptibility in Pear (Pyrus communis L.) | J.M. Thompson | 9 |
Screening Apple Seedlings for Disease Resistance | E.B. Williams | 10 |
Sources of Insect and Mite Resistance in Apples | H.F. Goonewardene and E.B. Williams | 10 |
Greenhouse Forced Flowering as a Tool for Disease Resistancer | H.S. Aldwinckle and R.C. Lamb | 11 |
Late Blooming in Apple | J.M. Thompson | 12 |
Assessment of and Screening for winterhardiness in Peach | R.E.C. Layne | 12 |
Early Testing for Cold Resistance of Peach and Apricot Seedling | R.C. Lamb | 13 |
Breeding Low Chilling Peaches for Texas | H.H. Bowen | 14 |
Breeding Low-Chilling Deciduous Fruit Trees | W.B. Sherman and R.H. Sharpe | 14 |
Bacterial Spot Resistance in Stone Fruits | C.N. Clayton | 15 |
Inoculation Technique for Evaluating Valsa Canker Resistance in Stone Fruits | H.L. Keil | 16 |
Diploid Plum x Apricot Interspecific Hybrids | D. Ramming | 17 |
Evaluation of Prunus spp. Resistance to Xanthomonas pruni by Artificial Inoculation | E.L. Civerolo and H.L. Keil | 17 |
Research in Plum Breeding in Romania | V. Cociu | 18 |
Use of Ionizing Radiation in Fruit Breeding | M.M. Thompson | 20 |
Fruit Rot Resistance in Red Raspberry | H.A. Daubeny and H.S. Pepin | 21 |
Breeding for Aphid Resistance and Virus Tolerance in Rubus | D.K. Ourecky | 21 |
Sterility in Rubus | F.J. Lawrence | 22 |
Cytological Diploidization of the Cultivated Octoploid Strawberry - Fragaria xananassa Duch. | D. Byrne and G. Jelenkovic | 23 |
Haploidy and Inbreeding as Tools in Fruit Breeding | R.S. Bringhurst | 23 |
Day-Neutral vs. Short-Day Strawberry Breeding Advantages and Exploitation Potential | R.S. Bringhurst | 24 |
Relationship Between Quality and Pest and Disease Resistance in Strawberries | R.S. Bringhurst | 25 |
Mass Screening of Young Strawberry Seedlings for Resistance to Pytophtora fragariae | D.H. Scott and A.D. Draper | 25 |
Essential Characters for Machine Harvest of Strawberries | E.L. Denisen | 26 |
Blueberry Species Characterization for Parent Potential | G.J. Galletta | 27 |
Interspecific Hybridization in Vaccinium | A.D. Draper, G.J. Galletta, W.T. Brightwell, J.M. Spiers, W.B. Sherman and G. Jelenkovic | 27 |
Development of Cold Hardy Blueberry Hybrids | C. Stushnoff | 28 |
The Breeding Behaviour of Four Diploid Vaccinium Species | J.R. Ballington | 29 |
Development and Possibilities of Vaccinium Species in Europe | G. Liebster | 30 |
The Development of Male Gametophyte in situ Under Selfing and Cross-Pollination in Sex Genotypes of Tetraploid | E.H. Bowerman and G. Jelenkovic | 31 |
Screening Grape Seedlings for Black Rot Resistance | J.R. McGrew | 31 |
Establishment, Preservation and Utilization of Fruit Germplasm in Romania | V. Cociu | 32 |
Interspecific Hybridization in Citrus Scions | C.J. Hearn | 33 |
Interspecific Hybridization in Citrus Rootstocks | D.J. Hutchison | 34 |
April 1976, Number 2 |
Fire Blight in the Geneva Apple Collection | H.S. Aldwinckle, R.D. Way, K.G. Livermore, J.L. Preczewski and S.V. Beer | 42 |
A Comparison of the Growth Habit of 'Bergman' and 'McFarlin' Cranberry Cultivars on Commercial Bogs in British Columbia | K.S. Tallman and G.W. Eaton | 55 |
Ovipositional Activity of Periodical Cicada on Apple Varieties | F.R. Hall | 60 |
Inheritance of Pear Decline Resistance | M.N. Westwood | 63 |
Characteristics of the Wine Grape Cultivar 'DeChaunac' as grown in Erie County, Pennsylvania | C.W. Haeseler and R.B. Beelman | 65 |
Scion Selection for Green Wood Grafting in Apple | D.F. Dayton | 69 |
A New Plum 'Sweetheart' | L.L. McGraw | 71 |
July 1976, Number 3 |
Effects of Boron and Succinic Acid 2,2-Dimethyl Hydrazide (SADH) on Fruitfulness and Storage Behavior of 'Magness' Pears | B.L. rogers, A.H. Thompson, L.E. Scott and G.J. Stadelbacher | 74 |
Potentialities for the Exploitation of Citrus Wealth in Uttar | R.D. Singh, R.K. Srivastava and R.P. Srivastava | 77 |
Considerations in Backcrossing Programs for Clonally Propagated Perennial Crops | R.L. Anderson | 79 |
An efficient method of Screening Peaches | D.W. Cain and R.L. Andersen | 80 |
Relation of Seed Number to Fruit Set in Apple - an Alternate Hypothesis | S.A. Weinbaum adn R.K. Simmons | 82 |
Strawberry Cultivar Testing in Canada's Maritime Provinces | D.L. Craig, W.B. Collins and J.A. Cutcliffe | 84 |
The Origin and Development of Muscadine Grape Varieties | K. Schwartz | 90 |
Malling 27 Released for Propagation | R.F. Carlson | 93 |
'Pathfinder' and 'Trailblazer' Everbearing Raspberries Released | G.S. Howard | 94 |
October 1976, Number 4 |
Production of Guava (Psidium quajava L.) in Hawaii | GT. Shigeura and R.M. Bullock | 98 |
Pineapple Production | H.Y. Nakasone | 100 |
Papaya Production in Hawaii | P.J. Ito | 105 |
U.S. Mango Imports and Production in Hawaii | W.Y. Yee | 107 |
The Breadfruit | E.A. Matsumoto | 108 |
Macadamia Nut Production in Hawaii | H. Ooka | 110 |
The Challenge of Mango Breeding | R. Scorza | 116 |
Redkist Peach | APS | 119 |