January 1993, Number 1 |
'Meeker' Red Raspberry | P.P. Moore and H.A. Daubeny | 2 |
Influence of Apple Cultivar and Canopy Position on Fruit Spur Leaf Development Within a Season | B.H. Barritt and B.J. Konishi | 5 |
Peach Regeneration from Callus Derived from Embryos of Selected Cultivars | A.M. Svircev, A.R. Biggs and N.W. Miles | 13 |
Bud Distribution and Yield Potential in Peach | S. Perez-Gonzalez | 18 |
Evaluating Important Fruit Characters in Mango Germplasm | R.J. Knight Jr. | 25 |
A Sixteen-Year-Old Trial off Pear Cultivars on Quince A and C in Byelorussia | A.S. Devjatov | 31 |
Evaluation of Own-rooted vs. Budded Prune (Prunus Domestica L.) Seedling Genotypes | A. Moing, R.M. Carlson, J.F. Doyle and T.M. DeJong | 38 |
Scab Occurrence on Pecan Clones in Alabama in a Year of High Disease Incidence | W.D. Goff, L. Campbell, T.E. Thompson, J.S. Bannon and A.J. Latham | 47 |
The History of the Vineland (V.) Apple Rootstocks | D.C. Elfving, I. Schecter and A. Hutchinson | 52 |
Wine Grape Performance of 32 Cultivars in Western Colorado 1982-1986 | R.A. Hamman Jr. | 59 |
40 Years of Plum Breeding in Romania | V. Cociu | 63 |
April 1993, Number 2 |
The History of the 'Empire' Apple | M. Derkacz, D.C. Elfving and C.G. Forshey | 70 |
Cold Hardiness of Peach Stem Tissue Over Two Dormant Seasons | C.M. Werner, R.M. Crassweller and T.E. Clark | 72 |
'Forastero' ('Newcomer') Peach for Argentina | G. Valentini, R. Gamietea and W.R. Okie | 80 |
Evaluation of Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Cultivars | E.C. Winston and P.J. O'Farrell | 83 |
Apricot Production and Cultivar Situation in California | L. Burgos and D.W. Ramming | 91 |
Evaluation of a Spur and a Standard Strain of 'Mclntosh' on Three Rootstocks and One Dwarfing Interstem Over Ten Years | W.R. Autio and F.W. Southwick | 95 |
Comparison of Tree Growth, Fruit Characteristics, and Fruit Quality of Five 'Gala' Apple Strains | D.W. Greene and W.R. Autio | 103 |
Reproductive and Vegetative Behavior of Four Table Olive Cultivars | T. Caruso, D. Giovannini and F.P. Marra | 109 |
Greenhouse Forced and Field Growing of 'Maravilha' Peach | T. Caruso, P. Inglese and A. Motisi | 114 |
'Frost' Peach: A Symptomless Source of Cherry Mottle Leaf Disease | W.E. Howell and R.A. Norton | 125 |
July 1993, Number 3 |
'Marsh' Grapefruit | F.G. Gmitter Jr. | 130 |
Tarnished Plant Bug Injury on Six Strawberry Cultivars Treated with Differing Numbers of Insecticide Sprays | D.T. Handley, J.F. Dill and J.E. Pollard | 133 |
Breeding of Fruit Crops in Poland | T. Jakubowski | 137 |
Isozyme Phenotypes Support the Interspecific Hybrid Origin of Prunus xdasycarpa Ehrh. | D.H. Byrne | 143 |
Freezing Survival of 'Mini Hardy' Blackberry Floral Tissues Before and After Budbreak | M.R. Warmund, I. Wijayaratne, R.M. Skirvin and A.G. Otterbacher | 146 |
The yield and fruit quality of 18 longan | E.C. Winston, P.J. O'Farrell and K.E. Young | 153 |
Inbreeding in California Canning Clingstone Peach Cultivars | T.M. Gradziel W. Beres and K. Pelletreau | 160 |
Evaluation of Some New York Sweet Cherry Selections in Romania | S. Budan, A. Iezzoni and R.L. Andersen | 168 |
Sharbo Selection-A New Almond | S.D. Sharma | 171 |
Influence of Fruit Spacing on Fruit Quality and Mineral Partitioning of 'Redchief Delicious' Apple Under Full Crop Conditions | E. Fallahi and B.R. Slmons | 172 |
Notice to Fruit Growers and Nurserymen Relative to the Naming and Release of the Apple, 'Hardy Cumberland' | APS | 179 |
Book Review: Pecan Cultivars - The Orchard Foundation | APS | 180 |
October 1993, Number 4 |
Totem' Strawberry | H. Daubeny, F.J. Lawrence and P.P. Moore | 182 |
Changes in Levels and Isozymes of Peroxidase in Wounded Peach Bark | M.M. Goodin, A.R. Biggs and A.M. Castle | 185 |
Comparison of Root Development of Pear Trees on Seedling and Quince A and C Rootstocks | A.S. Devyatov | 193 |
Early Performance of Four Apple Cultivars, Supported or Free Standing, on Mark Rootstock | P.K. Andrews and C.R. Rom | 198 |
Apple Accessions of Low Priority Targeted for Removal from The National Plant Germplasm System | P.L. Forsline and R.D. Way | 204 |
Cultivar and Crop Load Influence Cold Damage of Pecan | M.W. Smith, J.A. Anderson and B.S. Parker | 214 |
Hurricane Andrew Damages Tropical Fruit Crops in South Florida | R.J. Campbell, C.W. Campbell, J. Crane, C. Balerdi and S. Goldweber | 218 |
Performance of 'Starkspur Supreme Delicious' Grown on Twenty-five Rootstocks in Quebec | R.L. Granger, M. Meheriuk, S. Khanizadeh and Y. Groleau | 226 |
Seed Germination of Ribes Hybrids | J.R. Goodwin and K.E. Hummer | 229 |
New Powdery Mildew Resistant Sweet Cherry | T.K. Toyama, D.R. Ophardt, W.E. Howell and G.G. Grove | 234 |