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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 47

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January 1993, Number 1
'Meeker' Red RaspberryP.P. Moore and H.A. Daubeny2
Influence of Apple Cultivar and Canopy Position on Fruit Spur Leaf Development Within a SeasonB.H. Barritt and B.J. Konishi5
Peach Regeneration from Callus Derived from Embryos of Selected CultivarsA.M. Svircev, A.R. Biggs and N.W. Miles13
Bud Distribution and Yield Potential in PeachS. Perez-Gonzalez18
Evaluating Important Fruit Characters in Mango GermplasmR.J. Knight Jr.25
A Sixteen-Year-Old Trial off Pear Cultivars on Quince A and C in ByelorussiaA.S. Devjatov31
Evaluation of Own-rooted vs. Budded Prune (Prunus Domestica L.) Seedling GenotypesA. Moing, R.M. Carlson, J.F. Doyle and T.M. DeJong38
Scab Occurrence on Pecan Clones in Alabama in a Year of High Disease IncidenceW.D. Goff, L. Campbell, T.E. Thompson, J.S. Bannon and A.J. Latham47
The History of the Vineland (V.) Apple RootstocksD.C. Elfving, I. Schecter and A. Hutchinson52
Wine Grape Performance of 32 Cultivars in Western Colorado 1982-1986R.A. Hamman Jr.59
40 Years of Plum Breeding in RomaniaV. Cociu63
April 1993, Number 2
The History of the 'Empire' AppleM. Derkacz, D.C. Elfving and C.G. Forshey70
Cold Hardiness of Peach Stem Tissue Over Two Dormant SeasonsC.M. Werner, R.M. Crassweller and T.E. Clark72
'Forastero' ('Newcomer') Peach for ArgentinaG. Valentini, R. Gamietea and W.R. Okie80
Evaluation of Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) CultivarsE.C. Winston and P.J. O'Farrell83
Apricot Production and Cultivar Situation in CaliforniaL. Burgos and D.W. Ramming91
Evaluation of a Spur and a Standard Strain of 'Mclntosh' on Three Rootstocks and One Dwarfing Interstem Over Ten YearsW.R. Autio and F.W. Southwick95
Comparison of Tree Growth, Fruit Characteristics, and Fruit Quality of Five 'Gala' Apple StrainsD.W. Greene and W.R. Autio103
Reproductive and Vegetative Behavior of Four Table Olive CultivarsT. Caruso, D. Giovannini and F.P. Marra109
Greenhouse Forced and Field Growing of 'Maravilha' PeachT. Caruso, P. Inglese and A. Motisi114
'Frost' Peach: A Symptomless Source of Cherry Mottle Leaf DiseaseW.E. Howell and R.A. Norton125
July 1993, Number 3
'Marsh' GrapefruitF.G. Gmitter Jr.130
Tarnished Plant Bug Injury on Six Strawberry Cultivars Treated with Differing Numbers of Insecticide SpraysD.T. Handley, J.F. Dill and J.E. Pollard133
Breeding of Fruit Crops in PolandT. Jakubowski137
Isozyme Phenotypes Support the Interspecific Hybrid Origin of Prunus xdasycarpa Ehrh.D.H. Byrne143
Freezing Survival of 'Mini Hardy' Blackberry Floral Tissues Before and After BudbreakM.R. Warmund, I. Wijayaratne, R.M. Skirvin and A.G. Otterbacher146
The yield and fruit quality of 18 longanE.C. Winston, P.J. O'Farrell and K.E. Young153
Inbreeding in California Canning Clingstone Peach CultivarsT.M. Gradziel W. Beres and K. Pelletreau160
Evaluation of Some New York Sweet Cherry Selections in RomaniaS. Budan, A. Iezzoni and R.L. Andersen168
Sharbo Selection-A New AlmondS.D. Sharma171
Influence of Fruit Spacing on Fruit Quality and Mineral Partitioning of 'Redchief Delicious' Apple Under Full Crop ConditionsE. Fallahi and B.R. Slmons172
Notice to Fruit Growers and Nurserymen Relative to the Naming and Release of the Apple, 'Hardy Cumberland'APS179
Book Review: Pecan Cultivars - The Orchard FoundationAPS180
October 1993, Number 4
Totem' StrawberryH. Daubeny, F.J. Lawrence and P.P. Moore182
Changes in Levels and Isozymes of Peroxidase in Wounded Peach BarkM.M. Goodin, A.R. Biggs and A.M. Castle185
Comparison of Root Development of Pear Trees on Seedling and Quince A and C RootstocksA.S. Devyatov193
Early Performance of Four Apple Cultivars, Supported or Free Standing, on Mark RootstockP.K. Andrews and C.R. Rom198
Apple Accessions of Low Priority Targeted for Removal from The National Plant Germplasm SystemP.L. Forsline and R.D. Way204
Cultivar and Crop Load Influence Cold Damage of PecanM.W. Smith, J.A. Anderson and B.S. Parker214
Hurricane Andrew Damages Tropical Fruit Crops in South FloridaR.J. Campbell, C.W. Campbell, J. Crane, C. Balerdi and S. Goldweber218
Performance of 'Starkspur Supreme Delicious' Grown on Twenty-five Rootstocks in QuebecR.L. Granger, M. Meheriuk, S. Khanizadeh and Y. Groleau226
Seed Germination of Ribes HybridsJ.R. Goodwin and K.E. Hummer229
New Powdery Mildew Resistant Sweet CherryT.K. Toyama, D.R. Ophardt, W.E. Howell and G.G. Grove234