Volume 70 Number 3 Article 4 Pages: 149-157
Year 2016 Month 7
Title: SEM Observations, Pollen Viability and Germination in Some Selected Plum Genotypes Cultivated in Romania
Authors: Ioana Mitre Jr., Viorel Mitre, Erzsebet Buta, Rodica Pop, and Radu E. Sestraş
The pollen morphology, viability, germination and pollen tube growth of six wide-spread plum genotypes (Prunus
domestica), were studied. ‘Toptaste’, ‘Topfive’ and ‘Gras ameliorat’ had the largest pollen grains (>50 μm),
whereas ‘Jojo’, ‘Anna Späth’ and ‘Stanley’ cultivars were represented by slightly smaller pollen size (45.28-48.41 μm). Pollen shape was prolate-sheroidal (L/W ratio 1.18-1.02 μm) in the polar view and spherical-triangular
in the equatorial view.
Pollen viability varied with the genotype: the highest percentage was observed for ‘Jojo’
(40.96%) and ‘Toptaste’ (40.87%), the lowest was recorded for ‘Gras ameliorat’ (26.33%). The highest pollen
germination (87.0%) at the end of 24 h incubation at 10°C was recorded for ‘Stanley’. ‘Anna Späth’ developed
the longest pollen tubes (1061.1 μm) when the pollen grains were incubated at 15°C for 24 h.
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