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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 7 Number 3 Article 7 Pages: 46-47
Year 1953 Month 3
Title: Puritan – A New Early Red Apple
Author: A.P. French
There has been so much interest among Massachusetts growers in Mass. C-31 seedling that we have decided to name and introduce it in spite of rather limited trial of it in terms of number of trees. Puritan originated from the cross McIntosh × Red Astrachan made by the late Professor F.C. Sears at the University of Massachusetts about 1929. It is an attractive, well colored red apple of medium size which retains its size well even with a full crop. The quality is good for an early apple although somewhat on the tart side. The flesh is crisp, white and does not discolor readily. Sauce and pies made from it have a distinct pinkish color. Its season of harvest is just ahead of Early McIntosh and storage life is fully as good as that variety.

The tree of Puritan is vigorous, with wide crotch angles. Orchard tests indicate that it will pollinate McIntosh satisfactorily. Its most serious weakness is a tendency toward biennial bearing. However, limited tests suggest that it is rather easily thinned with chemical thinning sprays of naphthalene acetic acid, so it is quite possible that some degree of annual production may be obtained.

We are not in a position to supply trees of Puritan, but a limited amount of propagating wood is available to interested fruit growers and nurserymen.


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