January 2000, Number 1 |
´Pera` Sweet Orange | A.M. DoAmaral, M. DeSouza, and S.A. DeCarvalho | 2 |
Performance of the 1984 NC-140 Cooperative Peach Rootstock Planting | R. Perry, G. Reighard, D. Ferree, J. Barden, T. Beckman, G. Brown, J. Cummins, E. Durner, G. Greene, S. Johnson, R. layne, F. Morrison, S. Myers, W.R. Okie, C. Rom, R. Rom, B. Taylor, D. Walker, M. Warmund, and K. Yu | 6 |
Altered Dry Matter Partitioning of ´Starksur Supreme Delicious` Apple Trees by Nine Rootstocks | D. Strong and A.N. Azarenko | 11 |
Rootstock Influences the Construction Costs of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple Trees | D. Strong and A.N. Azarenko | 18 |
Relationship Between Trunk Cross-sectional Area, Harvest Index, Total Tree Dry Weight and Yield Components of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple Trees | D. Strong and A.N. Azarenko | 22 |
Behmi - A Wild Fruit from Himalayan Cold Desert Region | J.K. Sharma | 27 |
Cultivar and Mulch Affect Cold Injury of Young Pecan Trees | M.W. Smith | 29 |
Crop Yield, Grape Quality, and Winter Injury of Eight Wine Grape Cultivars in Northern Virginia | T.K. Wolf and M.K. Warren | 34 |
Challenges Facing Pollination and Fruit Set in Indigenous Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) | V.M. Glass and D.C. Percival | 44 |
´UF2000` Peach | W.B. Sherman and P.M. Lyrene | 48 |
April 2000, Number 2 |
´Viking` Red Currant | K.E. Hummer | 54 |
Comparison of ´Pioneer Mac` and ´McIntosh` Apples | W.R. Autio | 57 |
Chemical Thinning ´Fuji` Apple in the Midwest | D.C. Ferree and J.C. Schmid | 61 |
Evidence of Self-Compatibility in Indigenous Almone [Prunus dulcis (Miller) D. A. Webb.] Selections from India | K. Kumar and U. Kumar | 68 |
Evaluation of Clones of the Apple Cultivar` Discovery` in Denmark | B.F. Kuhn and J. Grauslund | 72 |
Inocula and Media Affect Root-knot Nematode Infection of Peach Seedling Roots | Z.-X. Lu, G.L. Reighard, A.P. Nyczepir and T.G. Beckman | 76 |
´Gulfprince` Peach | W.B. Sherman, T.G. Beckman, and G.W. Krewer | 82 |
Performance of ´Gala` Apple on Four Semi-dwarf Rootstocks: A Five-Year Summary of the 1994 NC-140 Semi-dwarf Rootstock Trial | R.P. Marini, J.L. Anderson, B.H. Barritt, G.R. Brown, J. Cline, W.P. Cowgill, Jr., P.A. Domoto, D.C. Ferree, J. Garner, G.M. Greene, C. Hampson, P. Hirst, M.M. Kushad, E. Mielke, C.A. Mullins, M. Parker, R.L. Perry, J.P. Prive, G.L. Reighard, T. Robinson, C.R. Rom, T. Roper, J.R. Schupp, E. Stover, and R. Unrath | 84 |
Performance of ´Gala` Apple on 18 Dwarf Rootstocks: Five-year Summary of the 1994 NC-140 Dwarf Rootstock Trial | R.P. Marini, J.L. Anderson, W.R. Autio, B.H. Barritt, J.A. Cline, W.P. Cowgill, Jr., R.M. Crassweller, P.A. Domoto, D.C. Ferree, J. Garner, A. Gaus, G.M. Greene, C. Hampson, P. Hirst, M.M. Kushad, E. Mielke, C.A. Mullins, M. Parker, R.L. Perry, J.P. Prive, G.L. Reighard, T. Robinson, C.R. Rom, T. Roper, J.R. Schupp, E. Stover, and R. Unrath | 92 |
July 2000, Number 3 |
´Pawnee` Pecan | T.E. Thompson and L.J. Grauke | 110 |
Muscadine Traits Potentially Useful in Breeding | C.L. Gupton | 114 |
Influence of In-Season Foliar Calcium Sprays on Fruit Quality and Surface Discoloration Incidence of Peaches and Nectarines | C.H. Crisosto, K.R. Day, R.S. Johnson, and D. Garner | 118 |
A Crop Estimation Technique for Highbush Blueberries | J.F. Hancock, P. Callow, R. Keesler, D. Prince, and B. Bordelon | 123 |
Gibberellic Acid Sprays Increase Berry Size and Reduce Shot Berry of ´Vanessa` Grapevines | T.J. Zabadal and T.W. Dittmer | 130 |
Response of Some New Clonal Cherry Rootstocks to Soil Active Herbicides | T.R. Roper | 134 |
Storage Life and Ripening Behavior of ´Cascade` Pears as Influenced by Harvest Maturity and Storage Temperature | S.S. Ma, P.M. Chen, and E.A. Mielke | 138 |
Sweet Cherry Pollination: Recommendation Based on Compatibility Groups and Bloom Time | C. Choi, K. Livermore and R.L. Anderson | 148 |
Fruit Growth Characteristics and Chronological Development of Calyx-end Splitting in Pacific RoseTM Apple | L.U. Opara and T. Tadesse | 153 |
HartlandTM and SomersetTM Sweet Cherries in Denmark | J.V. Christensen | 159 |
October 2000, Number 4 |
´Navaho` Blackberry | J.N. Moore and J.R. Clark | 162 |
Blossom and Ripening Periods of Blackberry Varieties in Brazil | L.E.C. Antunes, N.N.J. Chalfun, M.A. Regina, and A. Hoffman | 164 |
´Don Agustin,` ´TropicSnow` and ´Fla. 1-8` Peaches for Central Argentina | G. Valentini, L. Arroyo and W. Sherman | 169 |
Performance in Denmark of 16 European Varieties of Sweet Cherry | J.V. Christensen | 172 |
Nectarine Skin Speckling is Associated with Flesh Soluble Solids Content | B.L. Topp and W.B. Sherman | 177 |
Parameters that Influence Rooting and Survival of Peach Cuttings | G. Bartolini, P. Pestelli, L. Tazzari, and M.A. Toponi | 183 |
Pecan Scion Cultivar Effects on Freeze Susceptibility of the Rootstock | S. Sanderlin | 188 |
Host Plant Resistance to Blackmargined Aphids on Pecan | T.E. Thompson, L.J. Grauke, and G.S. Sibbett | 193 |
A Multi-site Pear-interstem Trial in the Netherlands and Belgium | S.J. Wertheim and J. Vercammen | 199 |
Assessing Budsports of ´Valencia` Sweet Orange [Citrus senensis (L.) Osbeck] for Desirable Characteristics | D. Kotsias | 207 |
Maturity and Storage Quality of ´Jonagold` Apples Related to Starch Index | S.R. Drake and E.M. Kupferman | 213 |
Resistance of Selected Malus Germplasm to Rosellinia nectrix | S.-B. Lee, K. Ko, and H.S. Aldwinckle | 219 |