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Journal of the American Pomological Society
(J Am Pom Soc)

American Pomological Society

Volume 54

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January 2000, Number 1
´Pera` Sweet OrangeA.M. DoAmaral, M. DeSouza, and S.A. DeCarvalho2
Performance of the 1984 NC-140 Cooperative Peach Rootstock PlantingR. Perry, G. Reighard, D. Ferree, J. Barden, T. Beckman, G. Brown, J. Cummins, E. Durner, G. Greene, S. Johnson, R. layne, F. Morrison, S. Myers, W.R. Okie, C. Rom, R. Rom, B. Taylor, D. Walker, M. Warmund, and K. Yu6
Altered Dry Matter Partitioning of ´Starksur Supreme Delicious` Apple Trees by Nine RootstocksD. Strong and A.N. Azarenko11
Rootstock Influences the Construction Costs of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple TreesD. Strong and A.N. Azarenko18
Relationship Between Trunk Cross-sectional Area, Harvest Index, Total Tree Dry Weight and Yield Components of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple TreesD. Strong and A.N. Azarenko22
Behmi - A Wild Fruit from Himalayan Cold Desert RegionJ.K. Sharma27
Cultivar and Mulch Affect Cold Injury of Young Pecan TreesM.W. Smith29
Crop Yield, Grape Quality, and Winter Injury of Eight Wine Grape Cultivars in Northern VirginiaT.K. Wolf and M.K. Warren34
Challenges Facing Pollination and Fruit Set in Indigenous Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.)V.M. Glass and D.C. Percival44
´UF2000` PeachW.B. Sherman and P.M. Lyrene48
April 2000, Number 2
´Viking` Red CurrantK.E. Hummer54
Comparison of ´Pioneer Mac` and ´McIntosh` ApplesW.R. Autio57
Chemical Thinning ´Fuji` Apple in the MidwestD.C. Ferree and J.C. Schmid61
Evidence of Self-Compatibility in Indigenous Almone [Prunus dulcis (Miller) D. A. Webb.] Selections from IndiaK. Kumar and U. Kumar68
Evaluation of Clones of the Apple Cultivar` Discovery` in DenmarkB.F. Kuhn and J. Grauslund72
Inocula and Media Affect Root-knot Nematode Infection of Peach Seedling RootsZ.-X. Lu, G.L. Reighard, A.P. Nyczepir and T.G. Beckman76
´Gulfprince` PeachW.B. Sherman, T.G. Beckman, and G.W. Krewer82
Performance of ´Gala` Apple on Four Semi-dwarf Rootstocks: A Five-Year Summary of the 1994 NC-140 Semi-dwarf Rootstock TrialR.P. Marini, J.L. Anderson, B.H. Barritt, G.R. Brown, J. Cline, W.P. Cowgill, Jr., P.A. Domoto, D.C. Ferree, J. Garner, G.M. Greene, C. Hampson, P. Hirst, M.M. Kushad, E. Mielke, C.A. Mullins, M. Parker, R.L. Perry, J.P. Prive, G.L. Reighard, T. Robinson, C.R. Rom, T. Roper, J.R. Schupp, E. Stover, and R. Unrath84
Performance of ´Gala` Apple on 18 Dwarf Rootstocks: Five-year Summary of the 1994 NC-140 Dwarf Rootstock TrialR.P. Marini, J.L. Anderson, W.R. Autio, B.H. Barritt, J.A. Cline, W.P. Cowgill, Jr., R.M. Crassweller, P.A. Domoto, D.C. Ferree, J. Garner, A. Gaus, G.M. Greene, C. Hampson, P. Hirst, M.M. Kushad, E. Mielke, C.A. Mullins, M. Parker, R.L. Perry, J.P. Prive, G.L. Reighard, T. Robinson, C.R. Rom, T. Roper, J.R. Schupp, E. Stover, and R. Unrath92
July 2000, Number 3
´Pawnee` PecanT.E. Thompson and L.J. Grauke110
Muscadine Traits Potentially Useful in BreedingC.L. Gupton114
Influence of In-Season Foliar Calcium Sprays on Fruit Quality and Surface Discoloration Incidence of Peaches and NectarinesC.H. Crisosto, K.R. Day, R.S. Johnson, and D. Garner118
A Crop Estimation Technique for Highbush BlueberriesJ.F. Hancock, P. Callow, R. Keesler, D. Prince, and B. Bordelon123
Gibberellic Acid Sprays Increase Berry Size and Reduce Shot Berry of ´Vanessa` GrapevinesT.J. Zabadal and T.W. Dittmer130
Response of Some New Clonal Cherry Rootstocks to Soil Active HerbicidesT.R. Roper134
Storage Life and Ripening Behavior of ´Cascade` Pears as Influenced by Harvest Maturity and Storage TemperatureS.S. Ma, P.M. Chen, and E.A. Mielke138
Sweet Cherry Pollination: Recommendation Based on Compatibility Groups and Bloom TimeC. Choi, K. Livermore and R.L. Anderson148
Fruit Growth Characteristics and Chronological Development of Calyx-end Splitting in Pacific RoseTM AppleL.U. Opara and T. Tadesse153
HartlandTM and SomersetTM Sweet Cherries in DenmarkJ.V. Christensen159
October 2000, Number 4
´Navaho` BlackberryJ.N. Moore and J.R. Clark162
Blossom and Ripening Periods of Blackberry Varieties in BrazilL.E.C. Antunes, N.N.J. Chalfun, M.A. Regina, and A. Hoffman164
´Don Agustin,` ´TropicSnow` and ´Fla. 1-8` Peaches for Central ArgentinaG. Valentini, L. Arroyo and W. Sherman169
Performance in Denmark of 16 European Varieties of Sweet CherryJ.V. Christensen172
Nectarine Skin Speckling is Associated with Flesh Soluble Solids ContentB.L. Topp and W.B. Sherman177
Parameters that Influence Rooting and Survival of Peach CuttingsG. Bartolini, P. Pestelli, L. Tazzari, and M.A. Toponi183
Pecan Scion Cultivar Effects on Freeze Susceptibility of the RootstockS. Sanderlin188
Host Plant Resistance to Blackmargined Aphids on PecanT.E. Thompson, L.J. Grauke, and G.S. Sibbett193
A Multi-site Pear-interstem Trial in the Netherlands and BelgiumS.J. Wertheim and J. Vercammen199
Assessing Budsports of ´Valencia` Sweet Orange [Citrus senensis (L.) Osbeck] for Desirable CharacteristicsD. Kotsias207
Maturity and Storage Quality of ´Jonagold` Apples Related to Starch IndexS.R. Drake and E.M. Kupferman213
Resistance of Selected Malus Germplasm to Rosellinia nectrixS.-B. Lee, K. Ko, and H.S. Aldwinckle219