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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 49 Number 4 Article 44 Pages: 248-254
Year 1995 Month 10
Title: Lateral Shoot Development in Size Diverse Seedling Populations of Apple
Authors: D.R. Ouellette and E. Young
Growth and branching habit of seedling populations originating from open-pollinated trees of Malus prunifolia Borkh., M. ranetka Borkh. and four cultivars of M. domestica Borkh. ('Antonovka,' 'Bittenfelder,' 'Borowinka,' 'Golden Delicious') were characterized. The decreased rate at which new lateral shoots developed was directly related to decreases in terminal growth rate, since all lateral budbreak throughout the growing season occurred within 20 cm of the shoot tip. 'Borowinka' sdlg., 'Golden Delicious' sdlg., and M. ranetka populations were most vigorous and, generally, had the greatest number of lateral budbreaks and branches. However, lateral budbreak and branching were not strongly related to terminal growth rate, evidenced by poor correlations with terminal shoot length, cross-sectional area, and internode length.

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