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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 44 Number 2 Article 2 Pages: 53-53
Year 1990 Month 4
Title: Changing Trends in Blueberry Production and Cultivars in North America
Author: K. Patten
The blueberry industry in North America has steadily increased over the last few decades. This expansion has occurred throughout North Amer ica, encompassing not only the tra ditional highbush and lowbush blue berry, but also the lowchill highbush, half high, and the rabbiteye blueberry. The latter three types of blueberries represent only a small percentage of the total blueberry production, but have received considerable scientific research aimed at their production and germplasm development.

Concomitant to the rapid expansion of the blueberry industry, has been the development of new germplasm, new cultivars and innovative produc tion practices. To document these changes the American Society for Hor ticulture Science and the American Pomological Society sponsored a work shop on this subject in 1989. This workshop chronicled the present status of each type of blueberry, changes in production practices and cultivars, di rection for future research and devel opment, and germplasm resources available to meet the future needs of cultivar development. Because of the market demand for the fruit, the expansion of the industry into new production zones, and the continuing endeavors of research to improve blueberry germplasm, the next decade will continue to bring about rapid changes in the North American blue berry "industry.

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