Volume 40 Number 2 Article 2 Pages: 39-41
Year 1986 Month 4
Title: Red Raspberry Yield Trials In Southwestern and Western Montana
Authors: R.H. Lockerman, N.W. Callan, D.R. Graham and R.D. Joy
Seven red raspberry cultivars were evaluated
for yield potential at Bozeman and Corvallis,
Montana from 1980-1982. All cultivar yields
were markedly greater at Corvallis than at
Bozeman. 'Killarney' and 'Boyne' were the
most stable high yielding cultivars at Corvallis
followed by 'Gatineau' and 'Canby,' 'Boyne'
was the most stable high yielding cultivar at
Bozeman. 'Latham' was consistently low yield
ing at both locations.
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