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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 4 Number 1 Article 11 Pages: 9-9
Year 1949 Month 3
Title: Heap Big Sense
Author: APS
A farm magazine published pictures of a dilapidated house and badly eroded field and invited readers to write the story of the pictures. An Oklahoma Indian won over 2,604 contestants with this:

"Both pictures s how white man crazy. Make big tepee, plow hill. Water wash. Wind blow soil, grass all gone. Squaw gone, papoose too. No chuckaway. No pig, no corn, no hay, no cow, grass. Buffalo eat. Indian eat Buffalo, no pony. Indian no plow land. Keep hide make tepee, moccasins, too. Indian no make terraces~N o build dam. No give dam. All time eat. No hunt job. No hitchhike. No ask relief. No shoot pig. Great spirit make grass. Indian no waste anything. Indian no work. White man heap crazy."


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