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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 19 Number 4 Article 7 Pages: 75-77
Year 1965 Month 10
Title: Strawberry Variety Performance in Coastal British Columbia
Authors: H.A. Daubeny and J.A. Freeman
The southwest coastal region of British Columbia is an important strawberry producing area. In the past, the main varieties were 'Marshall' and 'British Sovereign'. In recent years, 'Marshall', in particular, has been replaced by varieties of more recent origin such as 'Northwest', 'Siletz', 'Puget Beauty' and 'Agassiz'. Of these, 'Northwest' is the most important largely because it makes an outstanding frozen product. The variety has the disadvantages of susceptibility to root rots, including red stele, and to winter injury. Although 'Siletz' lacks the fine quality of 'Northwest', it has increased in popularity in recent years because it shows considerable resistance to red stele and other root rots, and is a high yielder. 'Puget Beauty' and 'Agassiz' are grown on limited acreages, and each is of interest because of good quality and winter hardiness. 'Puget Beauty' has appeared particularly susceptible to virus diseases. 'Agassiz' has the disadvantage of susceptibility to root rots and powdery mildew. 'British Sovereign' has remained the most popular variety for local fresh market production.

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