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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 18 Number 4 Article 3 Pages: 67-68
Year 1964 Month 10
Title: Two New Peach Queens for New Jersey
Authors: C.H. Bailey and L.F. Rough
'Elberta' has long been, and still is, the most widely grown peach variety in the United States as a whole. In New Jersey, though, it only makes up 3.4 percent of all the trees planted (New Jersey Crop Reporting Service, Circular 427, 1963). Every peach breeder has been trying to develop a variety for that season which will be more attractive and of better quality.
'Redskin' was introduced by the University of Maryland, but seems too small for many New Jersey peach growers. 'Jefferson', introduced a years ago by Virginia Polytechnic institute, ripens just after 'Elberta'.
The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station has been working on varieties for this same season, too, in an attempt to fill the gap between 'Blake' and 'Rio Oso Gem'.
'Jerseyqueen', tested as NJ216, is being named by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station for the 'Elberta' season. The name 'Jerseyqueen' was chosen because the peach is the queen of fruits, and because this is New Jersey's tercentenary. The New Jersey peach breeding program has been underway for 50 years, and 74 varieties have already been named. 'Jerseyqueen' is the first yellow, freestone peach that has been developed that we believe really has all the qualities required to replace 'Elberta'.

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