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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 16 Number 1 Article 5 Pages: 15-15
Year 1961 Month 9
Title: Hungary's Best Apricot
Authors: L.A. Weaver and R.M. Brooks
Among the few fruit varieties handled by the Wayside Gardens, of Mentor, Ohio, is the apricot called 'Hungary's Best'. It was imported from Hungary many years ago by Mr. Horvath, of rose fame. Mr. Horvath, who was a personal friend of Mr. J.J. Grullemans, President of Wayside Gardens, brought Hungary's Best to the United States about 40 years ago. He gave one or two trees of this variety to Mr. Grullemans, because the latter so enjoyed its fine fruit. Mr. Grullemans decided to propagate the trees; and it has been sold by Wayside Gardens ever since. Although 'Hungary's Best is not suitable for commercial planting, it makes a fine small tree for the garden.
L.A. Weaver (Wayside Gardens), and R.M. Brooks


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