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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 11 Number 4 Article 11 Pages: 60-60
Year 1957 Month 5
Title: A Disorder in Stanley Prune
Author: APS
The Stanley Prune is one of the really outstanding plums for the fruit grower and gardener in the north- central and northeastern states, It has been a reliable cropper, large-fruited and good in quality. It is of interest, therefore, that R. H. Hill, Jr., of Ohio State University, reported this past winter in Ohio Farm and Home Research that the Stanley has been affected by a disorder in recent years which is devitalizing many young bearing trees in Ohio. He reports that F. O. Hartman, of Ohio State University, has evidence that this disorder may possibly be associated with a rootstock incompatibility. The rootstocks that may be involved are not mentioned. Dr. Hill does not feel, however, that this rootstock problem is serious enough to eliminate Stanley from future plantings.


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