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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 22 Number 1 Article 2 Pages: 2-2
Year 1968 Month 1
Title: The New Blushing Golden Apple
Author: APS
Stark Bros. Nurseries have announced the introduction of a new apple which they have named 'Blushing Golden', a seedling selection believed to be a cross of 'Golden Delicious' and 'Jonathan'. The rights to propagate this new variety were purchased from Ralph B. Griffith, of Cobden, Illinois.
The fruit of 'Blushing Golden' resembles 'Golden Delicious' in shape, but has a deeper yellow color, usually with a red blush, a more waxey skin, a smooth finish, and a distinctive, rich flavor of its own. It is harvest mature ten days to two weeks after 'Golden Delicious', and is reported to keep in cold storage until early summer.
According to Ralph Griffeth, the discoverer, 'Blushing Golden' first fruited at four years of age, has bloomed heavily and borne crops annually, has excellent cooking qualities and makes excellent pies.
R.V. Lott, of University of Illinois, is quoted by Stark Bros. as having given fruit of Blushing Golden a quality rating of very good, on the basis of texture, flavor, high soluble solids and acid content.


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