1 | The effect of pollen source on fruit characteristics of "seewy" date cultivar |
2 | Evaluation of nine seedling date palm males, used in pollination and their metazenic effect on two female cultivars (mwl) & (mwk) at new halfa area |
3 | Determination of the optimal pollination period for khlas date palm cultivar |
4 | Effect of some growth regulators on some fruit characteristics and productivity of date palm trees (Phoenix dactylifera L.) 2- khaniezy cultivar |
5 | Early ripening of dates using ethrel |
6 | Effect of auxins and cytokinins on the in vitro production of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) bud generative tissues and on the number of differentiated buds |
7 | Date palm research and development program in the UAE |
8 | Effect of ala on fruit yield and quality of date palm “cv. Khalas” |
9 | National fertilizer program for date palm |
10 | Effect of potassium fertilization and bunch thinning on the yield and the annual of leaves and flower clusters of zahgloul date palms |
11 | Effect of calcium and zinc sprays on fruit dropping nature of hayany date cultivar. I. Yield and fruit quality |
12 | Estimations of water requirements for date palms in Iraq |
13 | Effect of water quality on the growth and yield of date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) |
14 | Effect of different irrigation intervals on the growth rate, yield and fruit quality of mwl and mwk date palm cultivars |
15 | Ion and water relation of date palm trees grown in al-hassa coast of Arabian Gulf of Saudi Arabia |
16 | Response of "seewy" date palm to salinity of irrigation water under siwa oasis conditions |
17 | The effect of different thinning practices on the quality and yield of mishrig wad laggai (mwl) and mishrig wad khataib (mwk) date palm cultivars |
18 | Effects of fruit thinning of “madeni” dates on fruit quality and yield |
19 | Effect of bunch thinning on the physical and chemical characteristic of the fruit for six date palm cultivars |
20 | Effect of fruit thinning and potassium fertilization on “seewy” date palms grown at siwa oasis |
21 | Study on fruit drop of “khuneizi” date palm cultivar |
22 | Apomixis induction possibility explored in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) |
23 | Some factors affecting growth and rooting of date palm offshoots |
24 | Physico-chemical characteristics of fruits and pits of some date palm cultivars as affected by cultivars and seasons |
25 | Seasonal fluctuation of physical and chemical characteristics of pinnae of some date palm cultivars |
26 | Database for infestation of date palm by red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) in UAE and Oman |
27 | Pesticide residual analysis of date palm fruits by gas chromatography mass spectro-photometry |
28 | Control of red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferruginens oliver by prophylactic spraying of date palms and trunk injection |
29 | Ecological observations on the date palm parlatoria scale, parlatoria blanchardii (targ - tozz.) (homoptera diaspididae) in north sinai, Egypt |
30 | Loss in fruits of date palm varieties caused by important insects, mites and birds |
31 | Preliminary investigations into the biological control of red palm weevil using Beauveria bassiana |
32 | Prevention of red palm weevil, (Rhynchophorus ferruginens oliver) infestation in date palm |
33 | Survey of red palm weevil, (Rhynchophorus ferruginens oliver) infestation in date palm in Oman |
34 | Efficacy of cga-184699 and cga-259205 on the survival, development and growth of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorous ferrugineous (olivier) (coleoptera: curculionidae) |
35 | The disruptive effects of azadirachtin and jojoba on development and morphogenesis of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (curculionidae: coleoptera). |
36 | Testing different methods of control against lesser date moth batrachedra amydraula, meyrick attacking hajri variety and their effect on yield and fruit quality of dates |
37 | Life parameters of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorous ferrugineus oliv.) on sugarcane and artificial diets |
38 | Management of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorous ferrugineus oliv.) by a pheromone/food-based trapping system |
39 | Mass rearing of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorous ferrugineus oliv.) on sugarcane and artificial diets for laboratory studies |
40 | Advances in trapping & repellency of palm weevils |
41 | Mites inhabiting date palms |
42 | Date palm fungal diseases in three Libyan oases |
43 | On the occurrence and host preference of the date palm dust mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (mcg.) On different date palm varieties in wadi hadramout - Yemen |
44 | Effect of mycorhizal symbiosis on date palm growth and mineral nutrition |
45 | Studies about a new disease of date palm in Tunisia |
46 | Decline of the date palm trees in Egypt |
47 | Phytopathological note. Pestalotia sp on date palm leaves in Egypt |
48 | Mycoflora and aflatoxins associated with saidy date as affected by technological processes |
49 | Biological control of the red palm weevil |
50 | Study on the fungi causing decline of date palm trees in middle of Iraq |
51 | In vitro multiplication of date palm |
52 | Factors affecting in vitro multiplication of date palm |
53 | Effect of explants and incubation conditions on growth of the in vitro cultured tissues of two date palm cultivars |
54 | Effect of cultivars and explants on the growth of the in vitro cultured tissues of two date palm cultivars |
55 | Effect of explants introduction time on the in vitro date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. production of bud generative tissues and on the number of differentiated buds. |
56 | To large scale propagation of some elite date palm cultivars through embryogenic suspension cultures |
57 | Explant and cultivar response to in vitro clonal propagation of female date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) |
58 | Micropropagation studies on zaghloul and sewi cultivars of date palm (phoenix dactylifera l.) 1 – Callus initiation and formation |
59 | Micropropagation studies on zaghloul and sewi cultivars of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) 2 –Shoot and root formation |
60 | Micropropagation studies on zaghloul and sewi cultivars of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) 3 – Plantlet acclimatization |
61 | Production of some secondary products from date palm tissue cultures (sewi cultivar) using some precursors. I. Callus stage |
62 | Production of some secondary products from date palm tissue cultures (sewi cultivar) using some precursors. II. Embryogenesis stage |
63 | Phytochemical screening of some in vivo and in vitro date palm tissues |
64 | Regulation of in-vitro shoot multiplication of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by different carbon source |
65 | Screening of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L..) varieties resistance to salinity |
66 | Influence of different carbon sources and concentration on root formation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) |
67 | Promotion of in vitro bud/shoot formation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) with date syrup ‘dibbs’ as a carbon source |
68 | In vitro propagation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by adventative buds |
69 | In vitro long-term storage of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) |
70 | Factors affecting in vitro multiplication of date palm |
71 | Plant regeneration from cultured inflorescence of date palm: potentialities given by organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. |
72 | Somaclonal variation in tissue culture-derived date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) trees |
73 | Electroantennogram technique for rapid and convenient screening procedure as a new approach for the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, semiochemicals |
74 | Study on relation between morpholometric and morphological characteristic and molecular markers of date palm |
75 | A molecular marker of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) resistance to bayoud disease |
76 | Biochemical characterization of date palm cultivars using isozyme markers |
77 | Molecular characterization of Tunisian date palm germplasm using ISSR markers |
78 | Contribution of molecular tools to the characterization and exploitation of date palm genotypes |
79 | Use of RAPD-PCR to characterise eurotium strains isolated from date fruits |
80 | Isozymes polymorphism and peroxidase activity of Iranian date palm cultivars |
81 | Prospects of dates and date palm in biotechnology |
82 | A PCR based approach to identify DNA polymorphism among economically important date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) varieties grown in hofuf region. |
83 | How diverse are date palm varieties in GCC countries? |
84 | Fruit physical characteristics of date palm cultivars grown in three Libyian oases |
85 | Tree morphological properties of date palm cultivars grown in three Libyian oases |
86 | Assessment of genetic variation within date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (AFLP) |
87 | A study on some phenotypic variations between mishrig wad khataib (mwk) and mishrig wad laggai (mwl) date cultivars |
88 | The Mauritanian date palm grove: evaluation, identification and variability of cultivars based on morphological characteristics |
89 | A comparative study of the performance of soft type date grown in arid environment |
90 | Behavior studies of dajana and sakkoti date palms cultivars under aswan environment |
91 | New approach to identify and characterize ten commercial cultivars of date palm |
92 | Rutab induction in helali date fruits by ethanol fumes |
93 | Physiochemical evaluation and storability of 14 date cultivars grown in Sudan |
94 | Study on the storage of Egyptian siwi date variety (semi-dry date) |
95 | Investigating the effects of shaking mode, frequency and amplitude on date fruit detachment |
96 | Design and development of a bunch shaker for vibratory date detachment |
97 | Suitability of HACCP system in postharvest technology of date |
98 | Performance of date palm cultivars under semi-arid conditions of hisar, India. |
99 | “new tebeliah” simple mechanical method for climbing the date palm |
100 | A study on a new US patent date palm pollinator |
101 | An instrument for setting the cluster in date palm |
102 | A date palm service machine for the new millennium |
103 | An electronic sensing device for red palm weevils |
104 | Automated machine vision inspection of date fruits |
105 | A new machine for date processing |
106 | “simple saw for cutting date palm branches (sa’af)” |
107 | Land suitability assessment for date palm cultivation in the eastern nile delta, Egypt using an automated land evaluation system and GIS |
108 | Harvesting date palm juice in Bangladesh |
109 | Separation and crystallization of date sugars on semi-industrial scale |
110 | Date variety recognition and sugar content estimation via color analysis |
111 | Characteristics and acceptance of yogurt containing date palm products |
112 | Industrial ethanol production using juice of dates in a fixed cell process |
113 | Evolution of deglet-noor date quality on it heat treatments. I – color, II – texture |
114 | A "true" bicompartimental model for dates thin-layer drying kinetics |
115 | Points of caution in studying heat inactivation of enzymes, exemplified by the polyphenoloxidase from the deglet-nour date (Phoenix dactylifera L.). |
116 | Utilization of date seeds as supplementary nutrient for alcoholic stage in production of cider vinegar |
117 | The industrial use of the date palm residues: An eloquent example of sustainable development |
118 | Study on the preparation of date seeds for feeding |
119 | Oman traditional palm dates: Production and improvement of palm date crop in Oman |
120 | Date palm in north Africa trumps and problems |
121 | The world date production: a challenging case study |
122 | Date palm cultivation: a new book-FAO plant production and protection-paper no. 156 |
123 | A multicoverage database for a date palm region using global position and geographical information systems |