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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 9

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April 1954, Number 1
The Fruit Breeders and Testers of the United States and CanadaAPS2
The Mysore Black Raspberry in FloridaR. Bruce Ledin10
Apple Breeding for Scab ResistanceD.F. Dayton, J.R. Shay and L.F. Hough12
Two Blushed Strains of McIntosh in British ColumbiaA.J. Mann and F.W.L. Keane13
New Grape Varieties and Selections in OntarioO.A. Bradt14
July 1954, Number 2
Reflections of a Fruit GrowerE.J. Downing18
Frost Hardiness in Peaches at the Shuck-Split StageG.D. Oberle19
The Capulin Cherry of EcuadorG.M. Darrow23
X-ray Induced Bud Sports in ApplesC.J. Bishop25
Sweet Cherries in CanadaA.J. Mann28
New Peach Varieties in OntarioO.A. Bradt29
Cherry Breeding at the California StationR.M. Brooks30
October 1954, Number 3
The Fruit Breeders and Testers of the United States and Canada'APS34
The Sue CherryA.J. Mann and F.W.L. Keane36
Peach VarietiesJ.T. Bregger37
Apple Varieties for FreezingAPS37
Okanoma Red Delicious AppleAPS37
Sources of Propagating Wood for Apple Varieties in the United States and CanadaO.C. Roberts, R.B. Tukey, J.C. McDaniel and A.B. Zielinski38
December 1954, Number 4
The Importance of the VarietyW.H. Chandler51
Notes on New Peach VarietiesS. Johnston52
The Strawberry Variety Situation in Eastern United StatesD.H. Scott53
Variety Study of the Macadamia NutAPS56
Plums in the NorthwestH.W. Fogle57
The Sunapee PeachA.F. Yeager and E.M. Meader58
The Keystone PeachAPS58
Black Hawk, a New RaspberryH.L. Lantz and E.L. Denisen59
MaIling VII Apple RootstocksA.J. Mann and F.W.L. Keane60