Volume 64 Number 3 Article 5 Pages: 173-182
Year 2010 Month 7
Title: Performance of Plum Rootstocks with 'Stanley', 'Valor', 'Veeblue' and 'Santa Rosa' as the Scions in the 1991 NC-140 Multi-State Plum Trial
Authors: T. Robinson, D. Wolfe, J. Masabni, R. Andersen, A. Azarenko, J. Freer, G. Reighard, P. Hirst, R. Hayden and B. McCluskey
In 1991, a multi-site replicated plum rootstock trial was established by the Cooperative Regional Pome and
Stone Fruit Project (NC-140) at Indiana (IN), New York (NY), Oregon (OR) and South Carolina (SC), using
‘Stanley’, ‘Valor’, ‘Veeblue’, or ‘Santa Rosa’ plums as the scions.
The trial compared vigorous and semi-dwarfing
plum rootstocks to identify improved rootstocks and rootstock/scion combinations best suited to the various
production areas in the United States.
Trees on Mariana 2624 and Mariana 4001 rootstocks generally had the
best tree survival, cumulative yields, trunk cross-sectional areas, cumulative yield efficiencies, and fruit sizes but
had the most root suckers, irrespective of the scion or location.
Trees on Pixy rootstock had the smallest trunk
cross-sectional area, lowest cumulative yield, and cumulative yield efficiency, and smallest fruit size.
Trees on
Eruni had similar survival, tree size, yield, and yield efficiency as the Mariana stocks but fewer root suckers.
may be a good alternative to the Mariana and Myrobalan rootstocks.
No significant differences were observed
between rootstocks with ‘Valor’ and ‘Veeblue’ scions for most variables.
The Oregon site had the largest trunk
cross-sectional areas, but the NY site had the highest yield and yield efficiency.
Stanley used as a rootstock (only
tested in Oregon) had high yield efficiency, and a low number of root suckers but also high vigor.
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