January 2008, Number 1 |
Cultivar Influences Early Rootstock and Scion Survival of Grafted Black Walnut | A.L. Thomas, D.K. Brauer, T.J. Sauer, M.V. Coggeshall, M.R. Ellersieck | 3 |
Optimal Harvest Time of Various Apple Cultivars Grown in Northern Mississippi | M.S. Vielma, F.B. Matta, J.L. Silva | 13 |
Introducing a Simple and Efficient Procedure for Topworking Persian Walnut Trees | R. Rezaee, K. Vahdati | 21 |
'Honey Red', an Early Maturing Japanese Plum | J.H. Jun, K.H. Chung, S.J. Kang, Y.B. Kwack, K.S. Park, H.K. Yun, S.B. Jeong | 27 |
Variability and Path Coefficient Analysis of Yield Components in 'Oblacinska' Sour Cherry Sub-Clones | V. Rakonjac, D. Nikolic | 30 |
Observations on Rodent Feeding Damage to Pear Germplasm in Cold Storage (Research Note) | D.M. Hunter, C.A. Collucci | 38 |
April 2008, Number 2 |
Nursery Performance of Peach Seedling Rootstocks | T.G. Beckmann | 46 |
Potential of Nonmelting Flesh Peaches for the Early Season Fresh Market | T.G. Beckmann, G.W. Krewer, J.X. Chaparro, W.B. Sherman | 52 |
The Kentucky Pawpaw Regional Variety Trial | K.W. Pomper, S.B. Crabtree, D.R. Layne, R.N. Peterson, J. Masabni, D. Wolfe | 58 |
Matted-Row Strawberry Cultivar Productivity in Missouri, 2005-2006 | M.L. Kaps, P.L. Byers | 70 |
Color and Russet Variation Among Selections of 'Bosc' Pear | D. Sugar, S.R. Basile | 77 |
Fruit Development in Almond for Fresh Consumption | P. Martínez-Gomez, R. Sánchez-Pérez and F. Dicenta | 82 |
July 2008, Number 3 |
Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics of Eight Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] Selections in Kentucky | K.W. Pomper, S.B. Crabtree, D.R. Layne, R.N. Peterson | 89 |
Pomological Properties and Proximate Analysis of Native Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) | F. Koyuncu, M. Çetinbaş, A.N. Yildirim | 98 |
Classifying Criteria for Major Fruit Traits in Prunus persica and Correlation Analyses Among the Traits | Zhongping Cheng | 110 |
Performance of 'Gala' Apple Trees on Supporter 4, P. 14, and Different Strains of B.9, M.9 and M.26 Rootstocks: A Five-Year Report on the 2002 NC-140 Apple Rootstock Trial | W. Autio, T. Robinson, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, M. Kushad, J. Masabni, R. Parra Quezada, R. Perry and C. Rom | 119 |
Effect of Dwarf Apple Rootstocks on Average 'Gala' Fruit Weight at Six Locations over Three Seasons | R.P. Marini, R. Moran, C. Hampson, M. Kushad, R.L. Perry, T.L. Robinson | 129 |
Research Note: Release of Hairless Kiwifruit 'Eldorado' and 'Nugget', and 'Early Bird' Pollinizer for Further Evaluation | K. Ryugo, E. Stover | 137 |
October 2008, Number 4 |
Fruiting and Kernel Production Characteristics of Ten Mediterranean Carob Cultivars Grown in Northeastern Spain | J. Tous, A. Romero, J.F. Hermoso, A. Ninot, J. Plana | 144 |
Effect of the Shank Length of Pyrus betulaefolia Rootstock on the Photosynthesis and the Sodium and Chloride Distribution of Japanese Pear Saplings under Saline Conditions | K. Matsumoto, F. Tamura, J.P. Chun, C. Zhang, K. Tanabe | 151 |
Modification of Branching Behavior in Apical-Dominant Apple Trees with Plant Growth Regulators and Their Residual Effects on Tree Growth After Transplanting | T. Jacyna, J. Barnard | 160 |
Pollen Ultrastructure Characterization in Californian and Australian Almond Cultivars | K. Sorkheh, A. Vezvaei, M.G. Wirthensohn and P. Martínez-Gómez | 173 |
Response of Seven Red Raspberry Cultivars to the Environmental Conditions of Northern Serbia | D. Marinkovic, S. Djurovic, S. Markovic, C. Kempler | 178 |
U. P. Hedrick Student Paper Award 2008 Major Flavor Components in Some Commercial Cultivars of Japanese Plum | S.P. Singh and Z. Singh | 185 |
Research Note: Seasonal Patterns in Above Ground Growth and Nut Abortion in Young Eastern Black Walnut Trees | D. Ross and D. Brauer | 191 |