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Journal of the American Pomological Society
(J Am Pom Soc)

American Pomological Society

Volume 62

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January 2008, Number 1
Cultivar Influences Early Rootstock and Scion Survival of Grafted Black WalnutA.L. Thomas, D.K. Brauer, T.J. Sauer, M.V. Coggeshall, M.R. Ellersieck3
Optimal Harvest Time of Various Apple Cultivars Grown in Northern MississippiM.S. Vielma, F.B. Matta, J.L. Silva13
Introducing a Simple and Efficient Procedure for Topworking Persian Walnut TreesR. Rezaee, K. Vahdati21
'Honey Red', an Early Maturing Japanese PlumJ.H. Jun, K.H. Chung, S.J. Kang, Y.B. Kwack, K.S. Park, H.K. Yun, S.B. Jeong27
Variability and Path Coefficient Analysis of Yield Components in 'Oblacinska' Sour Cherry Sub-ClonesV. Rakonjac, D. Nikolic30
Observations on Rodent Feeding Damage to Pear Germplasm in Cold Storage (Research Note)D.M. Hunter, C.A. Collucci38
April 2008, Number 2
Nursery Performance of Peach Seedling RootstocksT.G. Beckmann46
Potential of Nonmelting Flesh Peaches for the Early Season Fresh MarketT.G. Beckmann, G.W. Krewer, J.X. Chaparro, W.B. Sherman52
The Kentucky Pawpaw Regional Variety TrialK.W. Pomper, S.B. Crabtree, D.R. Layne, R.N. Peterson, J. Masabni, D. Wolfe58
Matted-Row Strawberry Cultivar Productivity in Missouri, 2005-2006M.L. Kaps, P.L. Byers70
Color and Russet Variation Among Selections of 'Bosc' PearD. Sugar, S.R. Basile77
Fruit Development in Almond for Fresh ConsumptionP. Martínez-Gomez, R. Sánchez-Pérez and F. Dicenta82
July 2008, Number 3
Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics of Eight Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] Selections in KentuckyK.W. Pomper, S.B. Crabtree, D.R. Layne, R.N. Peterson89
Pomological Properties and Proximate Analysis of Native Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)F. Koyuncu, M. Çetinbaş, A.N. Yildirim98
Classifying Criteria for Major Fruit Traits in Prunus persica and Correlation Analyses Among the TraitsZhongping Cheng110
Performance of 'Gala' Apple Trees on Supporter 4, P. 14, and Different Strains of B.9, M.9 and M.26 Rootstocks: A Five-Year Report on the 2002 NC-140 Apple Rootstock TrialW. Autio, T. Robinson, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, M. Kushad, J. Masabni, R. Parra Quezada, R. Perry and C. Rom119
Effect of Dwarf Apple Rootstocks on Average 'Gala' Fruit Weight at Six Locations over Three SeasonsR.P. Marini, R. Moran, C. Hampson, M. Kushad, R.L. Perry, T.L. Robinson129
Research Note: Release of Hairless Kiwifruit 'Eldorado' and 'Nugget', and 'Early Bird' Pollinizer for Further EvaluationK. Ryugo, E. Stover137
October 2008, Number 4
Fruiting and Kernel Production Characteristics of Ten Mediterranean Carob Cultivars Grown in Northeastern SpainJ. Tous, A. Romero, J.F. Hermoso, A. Ninot, J. Plana144
Effect of the Shank Length of Pyrus betulaefolia Rootstock on the Photosynthesis and the Sodium and Chloride Distribution of Japanese Pear Saplings under Saline ConditionsK. Matsumoto, F. Tamura, J.P. Chun, C. Zhang, K. Tanabe151
Modification of Branching Behavior in Apical-Dominant Apple Trees with Plant Growth Regulators and Their Residual Effects on Tree Growth After TransplantingT. Jacyna, J. Barnard160
Pollen Ultrastructure Characterization in Californian and Australian Almond CultivarsK. Sorkheh, A. Vezvaei, M.G. Wirthensohn and P. Martínez-Gómez173
Response of Seven Red Raspberry Cultivars to the Environmental Conditions of Northern SerbiaD. Marinkovic, S. Djurovic, S. Markovic, C. Kempler178
U. P. Hedrick Student Paper Award 2008 Major Flavor Components in Some Commercial Cultivars of Japanese PlumS.P. Singh and Z. Singh185
Research Note: Seasonal Patterns in Above Ground Growth and Nut Abortion in Young Eastern Black Walnut TreesD. Ross and D. Brauer191