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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 50

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January 1996, Number 1
´Sumner` PecanD. Sparks2
Performance of the NC-140 Cooperative Apple Rootstock Planting: I. Survival, Tree Size, Yield and Fruit SizeNC-140 Committee6
Performance of the NC-140 Cooperative Apple Rootstock Planting: II. A 10-Year Summary of TCA, Yield, and Yield Efficiency at 31 SitesNC-140 Committee11
Horticultural Characteristics of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple on 15 rootstocks at 24 SitesNC-140 Committee18
Effects of Rootstock on Bud Development and Flower Formation of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` AppleP.M. Hirst and D.C. Ferree25
Dietary Fiber Composition of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple Fruit as Influenced by Rootstock and Growing RegionF. Gheyas, E. Young, S.M. Blankenship and R.F. McFeeters35
Performance of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apple Over 10 Years at Three Axillary NC-140 Planting SitesM.L. Kaps, G.M. Greene and D.C. Ferree41
Rootstock Affects Ripening, Color, and Shape of ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` Apples in the 1984 NC-140 Cooperative PlantingW.R. Autio, R.A. Hayden, W.C. Micke and G.R. Brown45
Rootstock Effects Terminal Bud Set in 'Starkspur Supreme Delicious' ApplesJ.D. Conrod, D.J. Larson and E.E. Hoover53
Blackheart Injury in ´Starkspur Supreme Delicious` on 15 Rootstocks in the 1984 NC-140 Cooperative PlantingM.R. Warmund, W.R. Autio, J.A. Barden, J.N. Cummins, P.A. Domoto, C.G. Embree, R.L. Granger, F.D. Morrison, J.R. Schupp and E. Young55
Performance Potential and Stability of 15 Apple Rootstocks as Affected by North American Growing Sites Over the Period 1984-1993W.C. Olien, D.C. Ferree, and B.L. Biship62
April 1996, Number 2
Surprise! It`s CrandallK.E. Hummer and S. Pluta74
New Tetraploid Breeding Parents for Triploid Seedless Citrus Cultivar DevelopmentF.A.A. Mourao Fo, F.G. Gmitter, Jr. and J.W. Grosser76
Response of Papaya Cultivars to Inoculation with the SMN Papaya Ringspot Viral StrainL.-S. Chang80
Liquid Medium Overlays Enhance Growth and Multiplication of In Vitro Grapes and ApplesM. Ali-Ahmad, H.G. Hughes, F. Safadi and I. Dami86
Performance of Three Apple Cultivars with 18 Vigorous Rootstocks During Nine Seasons in WashingtonB.H. Barritt, B.S. Konishi, and M.A. Dilley88
Flower Bud and Shoot Hardiness of Southern Highbush Blueberry CultivarsJ.R. Clark, R. Bourne and E. Gbur98
Technique Development Towards Production of an In Vitro Graft Chimera in RubusH.J. Chen, M.M. Mubarack, S.K. Naess, E. Stover, and H.J. Swartz105
Winter Injury to Apple Trees, 1993-1994J. Warner and C. Nickerson114
Viability of Different Pear Pollen and the Effect on Fruit Set of ´Anjou` Pear (Pyrus communis L.)D.O. Ketchie, E.D. Fairchild and F.R. Drake118
Influence of Eight Rootstocks on the Performance of ´White Riesling` and ´Cabernet Franc` Over Five YearsD.C. Ferree, G.A. Cahoon, M.A. Ellis, D.M. Scurlock and G.R. Johns124
Effect of Cultivars and Weather Change on Hunter ´L,` Hue Angle, and Chroma Values of Red Raspberry Grown in MaineM.N. Riaz and A.A. Bushway131
July 1996, Number 3
´Kent` StrawberryA.R. Jamieson138
Variability in Pecan FloweringL.J. Grauke and T.E. Thompson140
Induction of Lateral Branching in Nursery Pear and Apple Trees with Plant Growth RegulatorsT. Jacyna151
Sources of Bacterial Spot Resistance in Plum CultivarsO.M. Martins and M.C.B. Raseira156
Yield and Quality Attributes of Strawberry Cultivars Grown in Denmark 1990-1991U. Kidmose, H. Andersen and O. Vang-Petersen160
Evaluation of Quality Traits and Yield of 28 Strains of ´Delicious` AppleW.D. Lane, R.A. MacDonald and D.O. Ketchie167
Rootstock and Scion Cultivar Interact to Affect Apple Tree Performance: A Five-Year Summary of the 1990 NC-140 Cultivar/Rootstock TrialNC-140 Committee175
The Non-Melting Semi-Freestone PeachT.G. Beckman and W.B. Sherman189
Growth and Production of ´Bing` and ´Schmidt` Sweet Cherries on Several MXM or East Malling Cherry RootstocksF.E. Larsen, S.S. Higgins and V.S. McCamant194
Allelism for the White-Flowered Phenotype in Sixteen Diverse Peach ClonesM.A. Creller and D.J. Werner198
October 1996, Number 4
History of the French Hybrid Grapes in North AmericaG.A. Cahoon202
´TropicSweet` AppleW.B. Sherman and P.M. Lyrene217
Sorbopyrus auricularis (Knopp) Schneider An Unusual Pear RelativeJ.D. Postman218
Evaluation of Virulence of Strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni on Peach and Plum CultivarsO.M. Martins221
Cambial Browning of Cold Injured Peach Nursery TreesD.E. Deyton, C.E. Sams, J.C. Cummins and D.W. Lockwood226
Root System of Plum Trees on Standard and Dwarfing RootstocksA.S. Devyatov229
Clone Selection of Grape Vine Varieties in GermanyH. Schoffling and G. Stellmach235
Autetraploid ´Meiwa` KumquatH.C. Barrett247
A Selection Study on Determining Important Characteristics of Almond Trees in TurkeyI.H. Kalyoncu and S.M. Sen250
Performance of Ten Vigorous and Semi-Vigorous Apple Rootstocks Over Ten Years in British ColumbiaC.R. Hampson, H.A. Quamme and R.T. Brownlee255
Some Characteristics of Internal Ring-cracking in ApplesL.U. Opara260