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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 38

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January 1984, Number 1
Spur Leaf Characteristics of Nine Apple CultivarsC.C. Rom and D.C. Ferree2
Breeding Early-Ripening, Low-Chilling Peaches in FloridaB. Mowrey and W. Sherman6
An Assessment and Illustration of Winter Injury to Selected Apple Cultivars in Nova Scotia, 1980-81C.G. Embree8
History of Fruit Growing ErrataM.N. Westwood13
Cryogenic Storage of Olive PollenD.E. Parfitt and A.A. Almehdi14
Performance of the Julyred and Tydeman's Red Apple Cultivars in TennesseeC.A. Mullins17
Performance of 3 Sweet Cherry, Prunus avium L. Cultivars on 5 Clonal RootstocksR.L. Stebbins and H.R. Cameron21
Performance of Bramble Cultivars in LouisianaC.A. Lundergan, S.K. Sklar and J.A. Carlisi24
April 1984, Number 2
Observations of Psylla Resistance Among Several Pear Cultivars and SpeciesH.A. Quamme34
Biannual Peaches in the TropicsW.B. Sherman and P.M. Lyrene37
Preliminary Evaluation of Low-Chilling Peaches and Nectarines in Warm-Winter Areas of ChileC. Munoz, J. Valenzuela, A. Ibacache and W.B. Sherman40
Peach Tree Response to Fluctuating TemperaturesR.K. Simons and C.C. Doll44
Some New Apricot Cultivars Developed for Uttar Pradesh (India) HillsJ.N. Seth, P.C. Ghildiyal and R.P. Joshi51
The New Japanese Apple Cultivar, KitanosachiL.D. Tukey54
Blackberry Pollen Sterility Associated with Merton Thornless GermplasmE.W. Hellman and J.R. Clark55
Novole, an Apple Stock Resistant to Voles and Other Environmental HazardsJ.N. Cummins, H.S. Aldwinckle and R.E. Byers58
The Steams AppleR.A. Nitschke60
Numerical Methods for Classifying Avocado CultivarsR.J. Lebowitz64
Summer Pearl PeachJ.L. Frecon, S.A. Mehlenbacher, C.H. Bailey and L.F. Hough70
Disease Resistant Apple ReleasedAPS71
July 1984, Number 3
Pistachio Production ProblemsJ.C. Crane74
The California Almond IndustryD.E. Kester and W.C. Micke85
Filbert ProductionH.B. Lagerstedt95
Macadamia Nut Prodction in HawaiiP.J. Ito101
Pecan Cultivars: Current Use and RecommendationsT.E. Thompson103
WalnutsD. Ramos, G. McGranahan and L. Hendricks112
Sour Cherry Breeding in Eastern EuropeA.F. Iezzoni121
History of the Old Home X Farmingdale Pear RootstocksL.A. Brooks126
October 1984, Number 4
Breeding Peaches in North America for Cold Hardiness and Perennial Canker (Leucostoma spp.) Resistance — Review and OutlookR.E.C. Layne130
Fruit Survival Ratings of Peaches and Nectarines Following Late Spring Freezes During Two YearsD.W. Cain, J.D. Ridley and W.C. Newall136
Early Flowering and Fruiting in Potted Citrus Trees: Exploitation for Mutation BreedingE. Salomon and S.A. Weinbaum139
Increased Productivity of Montmorency Tart Cherry on WA 900 Mahaleb RootsD.F. Mlllikan and A.D. Hlbbard143
Influences of Rootstocks and Support Systems on Yield, Tree size and Cork Spot on Spur and Non-Spur Delicious Apple TreesR.M. Crassweller and M.E. Ferree145
Flowering, Spur Formation and Limb Angles of Delicious Apple StrainsD.O. Ketchie150
Performance of Some Almond Cultivars in the Pithoragarh Valley of Uttar-Pradesh, IndiaR.D. Singh and H. Lal153
Black Ben Davis or Guno: A Question of Right, Truth and JusticeG. Ames and R. Rom155
Amelanchier Cultivar AddendaR.J. Hilton165
New, Easier-to-Manage Montmorency TreeW.E. Heuser163