January 1984, Number 1 |
Spur Leaf Characteristics of Nine Apple Cultivars | C.C. Rom and D.C. Ferree | 2 |
Breeding Early-Ripening, Low-Chilling Peaches in Florida | B. Mowrey and W. Sherman | 6 |
An Assessment and Illustration of Winter Injury to Selected Apple Cultivars in Nova Scotia, 1980-81 | C.G. Embree | 8 |
History of Fruit Growing Errata | M.N. Westwood | 13 |
Cryogenic Storage of Olive Pollen | D.E. Parfitt and A.A. Almehdi | 14 |
Performance of the Julyred and Tydeman's Red Apple Cultivars in Tennessee | C.A. Mullins | 17 |
Performance of 3 Sweet Cherry, Prunus avium L. Cultivars on 5 Clonal Rootstocks | R.L. Stebbins and H.R. Cameron | 21 |
Performance of Bramble Cultivars in Louisiana | C.A. Lundergan, S.K. Sklar and J.A. Carlisi | 24 |
April 1984, Number 2 |
Observations of Psylla Resistance Among Several Pear Cultivars and Species | H.A. Quamme | 34 |
Biannual Peaches in the Tropics | W.B. Sherman and P.M. Lyrene | 37 |
Preliminary Evaluation of Low-Chilling Peaches and Nectarines in Warm-Winter Areas of Chile | C. Munoz, J. Valenzuela, A. Ibacache and W.B. Sherman | 40 |
Peach Tree Response to Fluctuating Temperatures | R.K. Simons and C.C. Doll | 44 |
Some New Apricot Cultivars Developed for Uttar Pradesh (India) Hills | J.N. Seth, P.C. Ghildiyal and R.P. Joshi | 51 |
The New Japanese Apple Cultivar, Kitanosachi | L.D. Tukey | 54 |
Blackberry Pollen Sterility Associated with Merton Thornless Germplasm | E.W. Hellman and J.R. Clark | 55 |
Novole, an Apple Stock Resistant to Voles and Other Environmental Hazards | J.N. Cummins, H.S. Aldwinckle and R.E. Byers | 58 |
The Steams Apple | R.A. Nitschke | 60 |
Numerical Methods for Classifying Avocado Cultivars | R.J. Lebowitz | 64 |
Summer Pearl Peach | J.L. Frecon, S.A. Mehlenbacher, C.H. Bailey and L.F. Hough | 70 |
Disease Resistant Apple Released | APS | 71 |
July 1984, Number 3 |
Pistachio Production Problems | J.C. Crane | 74 |
The California Almond Industry | D.E. Kester and W.C. Micke | 85 |
Filbert Production | H.B. Lagerstedt | 95 |
Macadamia Nut Prodction in Hawaii | P.J. Ito | 101 |
Pecan Cultivars: Current Use and Recommendations | T.E. Thompson | 103 |
Walnuts | D. Ramos, G. McGranahan and L. Hendricks | 112 |
Sour Cherry Breeding in Eastern Europe | A.F. Iezzoni | 121 |
History of the Old Home X Farmingdale Pear Rootstocks | L.A. Brooks | 126 |
October 1984, Number 4 |
Breeding Peaches in North America for Cold Hardiness and Perennial Canker (Leucostoma spp.) Resistance — Review and Outlook | R.E.C. Layne | 130 |
Fruit Survival Ratings of Peaches and Nectarines Following Late Spring Freezes During Two Years | D.W. Cain, J.D. Ridley and W.C. Newall | 136 |
Early Flowering and Fruiting in Potted Citrus Trees: Exploitation for Mutation Breeding | E. Salomon and S.A. Weinbaum | 139 |
Increased Productivity of Montmorency Tart Cherry on WA 900 Mahaleb Roots | D.F. Mlllikan and A.D. Hlbbard | 143 |
Influences of Rootstocks and Support Systems on Yield, Tree size and Cork Spot on Spur and Non-Spur Delicious Apple Trees | R.M. Crassweller and M.E. Ferree | 145 |
Flowering, Spur Formation and Limb Angles of Delicious Apple Strains | D.O. Ketchie | 150 |
Performance of Some Almond Cultivars in the Pithoragarh Valley of Uttar-Pradesh, India | R.D. Singh and H. Lal | 153 |
Black Ben Davis or Guno: A Question of Right, Truth and Justice | G. Ames and R. Rom | 155 |
Amelanchier Cultivar Addenda | R.J. Hilton | 165 |
New, Easier-to-Manage Montmorency Tree | W.E. Heuser | 163 |