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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 33

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January 1979, Number 1
Apple Cultivars Grown in Eastern United StatesR.D. Way2
Apple Production in the Western United StatesP. Larsen7
Apple Cultivars Grown in CanadaJ.T.A. Proctor12
Apple Varieties and Production Trends in the MidwestJ. Hull, Jr.15
Peach Cultivar—Northeast RegionC.H. Bailey and L.F. Hough21
The Peach Cultivar Situation in the SoutheastE.F. Savage23
Peach Cultivar Situation in the Midwest and Central SouthR.C. Rom and J.N. Moore25
Peach and Nectarine Cultivars of the West CoastD.W. Ramming29
April 1979, Number 2
Strawberry Cultivars of New York, New England and Eastern CanadaD.K. Ourecky38
Strawberry Cultivars for Eastern and Midwestern North AmericaG.J. Galletta39
The Strawberry Cultivars of the Pacific NorthwestH.A. Daubeny44
California Strawberry Cultivars-Past, Present and ProspectsR.S. Bringhurst and V. Voth45
Highbush Blueberry CultivarsA.D. Draper48
Robbiteye BlueberriesM.E. Austin51
The Cultivar Situation in Lowbush Blueberry in Nova ScotiaI.V. Hall54
The USDA Pear Breeding Program II. Seedling EvaluationT. van der Zwet, R.C. Blake and R.H. Zimmerman57
Self-Unfruitfulness of 'Anna' AppleT.E. Crocker, W.B. Sherman and R.J. Knight, Jr. 65
'Yar Mohammadi' -A Seedless Cultivar of Apple From PakistanS. Mohammed, Hussain Shah and M.S. Roghani67
New Peach Variety: 'Sweet Sue'APS68
July 1979, Number 3
Exotic Rootstocks for CherriesJ.N. Cummins74
Aliceblue and Beckyblue BlueberriesP.M. Lyrene and W.B. Sherman84
Interspecific Hybrids as Rootstocks for CherriesJ.N. Cummins85
Incompatibility Between Apricot and Prunus tomentosa SeedlingsP.R. Fridlund90
The New York State Fruit Testing Cooperative Association—60 Years of New Fruit VarietiesR.C. Lamb91
Evaluation of Selected New Summer Apple Cultivars in TennesseeC.A. Mullins and D.W. Lockwood94
The Jujube Tree (Zizyphus jujuba Lam)P.M. Lyrene100
October 1979, Number 4
Performance of Six Cultivars on M26D.C. Ferree110
Use of Ethrel to Stimulate Coloring and Ripening of Minnesota Apple CultivarsL.B. Hertz114
Abscission Development in the Floral Tube of Peach (Prunus persica L.)R.K. Simons and M.C. Chu117
American Hybrid Grape Cultivars in AustraliaA.J. Antcliff124
Black Walnut Variety Trials—1950-1977C.M. Ritter, J.L. Mecartney and D.G. White126
The USDA Pear Breeding ProgramR.C. Blake and T. Van Der Zwet131
Yield and Its Components in the Strawberry Cultivar OlympusP.D. Waister136
Effects of Single and Double Cropping on Yields of Fall Bearing RaspberriesR.M. Skirvin and A.G. Otterbacher144