January 1979, Number 1 |
Apple Cultivars Grown in Eastern United States | R.D. Way | 2 |
Apple Production in the Western United States | P. Larsen | 7 |
Apple Cultivars Grown in Canada | J.T.A. Proctor | 12 |
Apple Varieties and Production Trends in the Midwest | J. Hull, Jr. | 15 |
Peach Cultivar—Northeast Region | C.H. Bailey and L.F. Hough | 21 |
The Peach Cultivar Situation in the Southeast | E.F. Savage | 23 |
Peach Cultivar Situation in the Midwest and Central South | R.C. Rom and J.N. Moore | 25 |
Peach and Nectarine Cultivars of the West Coast | D.W. Ramming | 29 |
April 1979, Number 2 |
Strawberry Cultivars of New York, New England and Eastern Canada | D.K. Ourecky | 38 |
Strawberry Cultivars for Eastern and Midwestern North America | G.J. Galletta | 39 |
The Strawberry Cultivars of the Pacific Northwest | H.A. Daubeny | 44 |
California Strawberry Cultivars-Past, Present and Prospects | R.S. Bringhurst and V. Voth | 45 |
Highbush Blueberry Cultivars | A.D. Draper | 48 |
Robbiteye Blueberries | M.E. Austin | 51 |
The Cultivar Situation in Lowbush Blueberry in Nova Scotia | I.V. Hall | 54 |
The USDA Pear Breeding Program II. Seedling Evaluation | T. van der Zwet, R.C. Blake and R.H. Zimmerman | 57 |
Self-Unfruitfulness of 'Anna' Apple | T.E. Crocker, W.B. Sherman and R.J. Knight, Jr. | 65 |
'Yar Mohammadi' -A Seedless Cultivar of Apple From Pakistan | S. Mohammed, Hussain Shah and M.S. Roghani | 67 |
New Peach Variety: 'Sweet Sue' | APS | 68 |
July 1979, Number 3 |
Exotic Rootstocks for Cherries | J.N. Cummins | 74 |
Aliceblue and Beckyblue Blueberries | P.M. Lyrene and W.B. Sherman | 84 |
Interspecific Hybrids as Rootstocks for Cherries | J.N. Cummins | 85 |
Incompatibility Between Apricot and Prunus tomentosa Seedlings | P.R. Fridlund | 90 |
The New York State Fruit Testing Cooperative Association—60 Years of New Fruit Varieties | R.C. Lamb | 91 |
Evaluation of Selected New Summer Apple Cultivars in Tennessee | C.A. Mullins and D.W. Lockwood | 94 |
The Jujube Tree (Zizyphus jujuba Lam) | P.M. Lyrene | 100 |
October 1979, Number 4 |
Performance of Six Cultivars on M26 | D.C. Ferree | 110 |
Use of Ethrel to Stimulate Coloring and Ripening of Minnesota Apple Cultivars | L.B. Hertz | 114 |
Abscission Development in the Floral Tube of Peach (Prunus persica L.) | R.K. Simons and M.C. Chu | 117 |
American Hybrid Grape Cultivars in Australia | A.J. Antcliff | 124 |
Black Walnut Variety Trials—1950-1977 | C.M. Ritter, J.L. Mecartney and D.G. White | 126 |
The USDA Pear Breeding Program | R.C. Blake and T. Van Der Zwet | 131 |
Yield and Its Components in the Strawberry Cultivar Olympus | P.D. Waister | 136 |
Effects of Single and Double Cropping on Yields of Fall Bearing Raspberries | R.M. Skirvin and A.G. Otterbacher | 144 |