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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 32

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January 1978, Number 1
The British Columbia Red Raspberry and Strawberry Breeding ProgramsH.A. Daubeny2
Evaluation of 'Golden Delicious' StrainsJ.K. Ballard5
Breeding of Avocados in AustraliaM. Sedgley and D.McE. Alexander7
Blueberry Cultivars for FloridaP.M. Lyrene and W.B. Sherman9
Germination of Apple Pollen as Influenced by FungicidesS.M. Ries12
Characteristics of the Red Wine Grape Cultivar 'Chelois' as Grown in Erie County, PAC.W. Haeseler17
The National Fruit and Nut Germplasm Repository SystemD.W. Barton20
April 1978, Number 2
Mechanical Summer Tipping as a Method of Controlling Sour Cherry Tree Size: A Preliminary ReportC.D. Kesner, C.M. Hansen and S.B. Fouch26
Study of Rootstocks for Sweet Cherries in CaliforniaW.C. Micke and W.R. Schreader29
Performance of Sweet Cherry Cultivars on Several Clonally-Propagated UnderstocksR.L. Stebbins, J.R. Thienes and H.R. Cameron31
Compact Sweet CherriesW. David Lane37
Mahaleb x Mazzard Hybrid Cherry StocksM.N. Westwood39
Performance of 15 Apple Cultivars on MM106 and M26D.C. Ferree40
'Cullinan' and 'Havis' Peach CultivarsH.W. Fogle and H.L. Keil42
Apple Varieties in Washington State: A Review of Current TrendsW.A. Luce45
July 1978, Number 3
The Small Fruit Breeding Program in New York StateD.K. Ourecky50
'Stark Early Loring' — A Mid-Season Freestone PeachJ. Frecon57
Floral Induction and Biennial Bearing in the CranberryG.W. Eaton58
The Blackberries of South America - An Unexplored Reservoir of GermplasmD.L. Jennings61
Yields of Native Clones of Lowbush Blueberry under CultivationL.E. Aaldees, I.V. Hall and A.C. Brydon64
Rabbit Damage to Interstem TreesC.C. Doll67
'Canadice': A New Seedless Red GrapeD.C. Paschke68
New Apple Variety 'Lawspur'APS69
October 1978, Number 4
Variation and Breeding Potential of Some Northern Clones of Vitis riparia Michx.P. Pierquet and C. Stushnoff74
Effects of Post-Harvest Sprays of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxypropionic Acid on Fruitfulness of 'Magness' PearsL. Rogers and A.H. Thompson85
Red Raspberry Cultivars for the Pacific NorthwestH.A. Daubeny89
Growth and Yield Response of High Density Peaches and Nectarines from Annual ToppingM.J. Young and R.H. Sharpe94