January 1978, Number 1 |
The British Columbia Red Raspberry and Strawberry Breeding Programs | H.A. Daubeny | 2 |
Evaluation of 'Golden Delicious' Strains | J.K. Ballard | 5 |
Breeding of Avocados in Australia | M. Sedgley and D.McE. Alexander | 7 |
Blueberry Cultivars for Florida | P.M. Lyrene and W.B. Sherman | 9 |
Germination of Apple Pollen as Influenced by Fungicides | S.M. Ries | 12 |
Characteristics of the Red Wine Grape Cultivar 'Chelois' as Grown in Erie County, PA | C.W. Haeseler | 17 |
The National Fruit and Nut Germplasm Repository System | D.W. Barton | 20 |
April 1978, Number 2 |
Mechanical Summer Tipping as a Method of Controlling Sour Cherry Tree Size: A Preliminary Report | C.D. Kesner, C.M. Hansen and S.B. Fouch | 26 |
Study of Rootstocks for Sweet Cherries in California | W.C. Micke and W.R. Schreader | 29 |
Performance of Sweet Cherry Cultivars on Several Clonally-Propagated Understocks | R.L. Stebbins, J.R. Thienes and H.R. Cameron | 31 |
Compact Sweet Cherries | W. David Lane | 37 |
Mahaleb x Mazzard Hybrid Cherry Stocks | M.N. Westwood | 39 |
Performance of 15 Apple Cultivars on MM106 and M26 | D.C. Ferree | 40 |
'Cullinan' and 'Havis' Peach Cultivars | H.W. Fogle and H.L. Keil | 42 |
Apple Varieties in Washington State: A Review of Current Trends | W.A. Luce | 45 |
July 1978, Number 3 |
The Small Fruit Breeding Program in New York State | D.K. Ourecky | 50 |
'Stark Early Loring' — A Mid-Season Freestone Peach | J. Frecon | 57 |
Floral Induction and Biennial Bearing in the Cranberry | G.W. Eaton | 58 |
The Blackberries of South America - An Unexplored Reservoir of Germplasm | D.L. Jennings | 61 |
Yields of Native Clones of Lowbush Blueberry under Cultivation | L.E. Aaldees, I.V. Hall and A.C. Brydon | 64 |
Rabbit Damage to Interstem Trees | C.C. Doll | 67 |
'Canadice': A New Seedless Red Grape | D.C. Paschke | 68 |
New Apple Variety 'Lawspur' | APS | 69 |
October 1978, Number 4 |
Variation and Breeding Potential of Some Northern Clones of Vitis riparia Michx. | P. Pierquet and C. Stushnoff | 74 |
Effects of Post-Harvest Sprays of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxypropionic Acid on Fruitfulness of 'Magness' Pears | L. Rogers and A.H. Thompson | 85 |
Red Raspberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest | H.A. Daubeny | 89 |
Growth and Yield Response of High Density Peaches and Nectarines from Annual Topping | M.J. Young and R.H. Sharpe | 94 |