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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 31

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January 1977, Number 1
Growing Fruit Trees in Small ContainersP.R. Fridlund2
Nutrient Level and Seed Number in 'Magness' Pears as Related to FruitfullnessR.C. Funt and B.L. Rogers4
Elderberry Cultivar Performance in IllinoisR.M. Skirvin and A. Otterbacher7
The Response of 'Bartlett' Pear to Certain Growth RegulantsB.J.E. Teskey and C.B.S. Rajput10
Floral Initiations in Young Trees of 'Golden Delicious' Apple and 'Bartlett' Pear under Greenhouse ConditionsC.B.S Rajput and B.J.E. Teskey11
Winter Survival of Peach Fruit Buds at Urbana, IllinoisD.B. Meador13
The Pre-Budded Interstem: a New TechniqueE. Fisher14
The Origin and Development of Pecan VarietiesG. Miller16
Rootstock Research FoundationJ.N. Cummins21
April 1977, Number 2
'Thornless Evergreen'G.F. Waldo26
Scion and Rootstock Influence on Winter Survival of Peach TreesD.P. Ormrod and R.E.C. Layne30
'Autumnglo' a Late Ripening Freestone PeachC.H. Bailey and L.F. Hough33
'Hamlet', 'Correll', 'Clayton', and 'Ellerbe' PeachesF.E. Correll, J.R. Ballington and S.M. Worthington34
Characteristics of the Wine Grape Cultivar 'Vidal 256' as Grown in Erie County, PennsylvaniaC.W. Haeseler36
Tree Survival of Three Malling Rootstocks in TennesseeC.A. Mullins and T.R. Gilmore40
Cranberry Flower Bud Initiation in British ColumbiaP.J. Lenhardt and G.W. Eaton44
A Survey of the Potential for Breeding in the Annonaceae FamilyC. Clift45
July 1977, Number 3
Bud Hardiness of Peach Cultivars in UtahS.D. Seeley50
Cultivar and Interstem Effect on Apple Rootstock Sproutinh and Control with NAAR.C. Rom and S.A. Brown54
A Perspective on New England's Compact Apple Tree IndustryJ.F. Costante57
Segregation for Resistance to Black Rot in Selfed Grape SeedlingsJ.A. Mortensen59
Attempts at Cherry Breeding in ForidaW.B. Sherman60
A Classification of Hardy North American Prunus Cultivars and Native Species Based on Hardiness ZonesR. Hummel62
October 1977, Number 4
Self-Pollination and Its Implications in Peach ImprovementH.W. Fogle74
The USDA Pear Breeding Program I. Emasculation and PollinationT. van der Zwet, W.R. Zook and R.C. Blake78
Fruit Improvement Through Single Cell CultureR.M. Skirvin82
'Brandywine' - A New Purple Raspberry CultivarD.K. Ourecky85
'Rosica' - A New Mango Variety Selected in Ica, PeruJ.P. Medina88