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Fruit Varieties Journal
(Fruit Var J)

American Pomological Society

Volume 27

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January 1973, Number 1
Low Temperature Injury to Peach Flower Buds in Western ColoradoC.R. Ure3
Summer and Early Fall Apple VarietiesR.D. Way6
'Cherokee' and 'Pocahontas' New Red Raspberry Introductions from V.P.I.G.D. Oberle10
'Lakemont', 'Suffolk Red' and 'Cayuga White' New GrapesJ. Einset12
American Persimmon, an Emerging Horticultural CropJ.C. McDaniel16
Everbearing Strawberry Cultivars in IllinoisC.C Zych and A.L. Shawkat19
Characteristics of the Apple Variety 'Egri Piros'S. Kovacs21
April 1973, Number 2
Relation between Pre- and Post-Harvest Bitter Pit of 'Goldspur' and 'Wellspur' ApplesD.H. England and F.E. Larsen27
Nomenclature of Malling Apple RootstocksH.C. Pereira29
Apple Variety Evaluation - A Never Ending ChallengeJ. Ballard30
Evaluation of Highbush Blueberry CultivarsC.C. Zych, J.W. Courter and A.L. Shawkat33
Fall-Bearing Red RaspberriesD.K. Ourecky35
'Rainier', A Dual Purpose Strawberry Cultivar for the Pacific NorthwestB.H. Barritt and C.D. Schwartze39
Succesful Apple Growing in Tropical IndonesiaM. Saure44
July 1973, Number 3
Date Breeding and Improvement in North AmericaH.C. Barrett50
'Holiday', a New Strawberry VarietyD.K. Ourecky56
French Hybrid Grapes Given NamesO.A. Bradt and J. Einset58
The 'Spartlet' PearR.F. Carlson60
Performance of Strawberry Cultivars and Advanced Selections in the Pacific NorthwestB.H. Barritt, H.A. Daubeny, F.J. Lawrence, R.A. Norton, L.W. Martin and P.C. Crandall63
The 'Badgerglo' StrawberryF.A. Gilbert69
Performance of Pecan Cultivars in North Central FloridaW.B. Sherman and N. Gammon Jr.70
October 1973, Number 4
Growth and Compatibility Characteristics of Crabapple/Rootstock CombinationsH.A. Robitaille and R.F. Carlson74
Pollination and Fruit Set of 'Magness' PearT. van der Zwet, H.L. Keil and W.A. Oitto77
Honey Bee Activity on 'Magness' and Pollenizer Pear VarietiesD.M. Caron81
Burr-knot Characteristics of Six Clonal Apple RootstocksR.C. Rom and S.A. Brown84
How to Transform Standard-Sized Apple and Pear Trees into Semi-DwarfsJ. Venners87
Fruit Breeding Projects at the South Haven Experiment StationR.L. Andersen and J.E. Moulton89
New Life for Old 'Spy' TreesB.J.E. Teskey91
USDA Releases New Everbearing Strawberry, 'Fort Laramie'G.S. Howard93
Persimmon Cultivars for Northern AreasJ.C. Daniel94