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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 26

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January 1972, Number 1
Important Strawberry Varieties in Current Commercial Production in the United StatesD.H. Scott3
The Laking AppleB.J.E. Teskey and A. Zitnak5
Apple Cultivars in JapanE. Oguro6
Development of Stock/Scion Tissues of 'Starking'/MM 104 When Grown Under Adverse ConditionsR.K. Simons7
Myrobalan Selections as Rootstocks for PlumR.F. Carlson10
P.R. 1-67, a New Pineapple SelectionO.D. Ramirez, H. Gandia and J. Velez Fortuno13
Apple Varieties in Vermont - 1971W.H. Darrow, Sr.15
Jerseymac - Earlier and Prettier than McIntoshL.F. Hough and C.H. Bailey17
Titan, a Seed Souce for F1 Almond x Nemaguard Peach HybridsR.W. Jones18
Variation in Germinability of Pear SeedsK. Khatamian and R.J. Hilton20
Yield Potentials of Thornless Blackberry Cultivars in MarylandD.H. Scott and L.W. Greeley22
April 1972, Number 2
Taste Evaluation of Apples from an Ontario Fruit GardenH.F. Janson26
'Priscilla', a Fall Red Apple with Resistance to Apple ScabE.B. Williams, J. Janick, F.H. Emerson, D.F. Dayton, J.B. Mowry, L.F. Hough and C. Bailey34
Observations on 'Magness', 'Moonglow', and 'Dawn' Pears in IndianaJ. Janick36
Proper Timing Is Vital to Peach ThinningW.B. Sherman and C.E. Arnold37
Recent Muscadine Grape Releases from GeorgiaR.P. Lane38
Apple Varieties in the San Joaquin Valley of CaliforniaP. Stark Jr.40
History of the 'Fort Vancouver' Apple and TreeL.L. McGraw42
EMLA Fruit TreesAPS44
July 1972, Number 3
Apple Cultivars for the Cool, Humid, Climate of Northwest WashingtonR.A. Norton50
Susceptibility of Prunus Rootstocks to Herbicede InjuryR.C. Rom54
Effects of Deflowering on the Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium australe SmallJ.W. Hull58
Two New Peach Varieties for North CarolinaF.E. Correll and C.N. Clayton61
Pollen Compatibility Studies with European and Japanese PlumsC. Tehrani63
Some Effects of Gibberellic Acid Applications on Two French Hybrid Grape VarietiesD. Sperling and G.W. Eaton67
The Kaller AtemoyaJ. Popenoe69
The effect of Seedling vs. Semidwarfing Rootstock on the Frost Hardiness of 'Stayman' Apple BlossomsS.A. Weinbaum and C.M. Ritter70
October 1972, Number 4
Downing Monument Re-dedicatedG.L. Slate74
Vegetatively Propagated Selections of Prunus fruticosa as Dwarfing Stocks for CherryJ.N. Cummins76
Golden Anniversary of Fruit Trials in EnglandL.D. Tukey79
Propagation Methods of Fruit Tree Cultivars from Hardwood CuttingsS.L. Doud and R.F. Carlson80
Fire Blight Ratings, Bloom Dates, and Precosity of Apple Varieties Tested in the SoutheastJ.M. Thompson84
Winter Injury to Buds of Fruit Trees in MichiganF.G. Dennis Jr. and R.L. Andersen98