January 1972, Number 1 |
Important Strawberry Varieties in Current Commercial Production in the United States | D.H. Scott | 3 |
The Laking Apple | B.J.E. Teskey and A. Zitnak | 5 |
Apple Cultivars in Japan | E. Oguro | 6 |
Development of Stock/Scion Tissues of 'Starking'/MM 104 When Grown Under Adverse Conditions | R.K. Simons | 7 |
Myrobalan Selections as Rootstocks for Plum | R.F. Carlson | 10 |
P.R. 1-67, a New Pineapple Selection | O.D. Ramirez, H. Gandia and J. Velez Fortuno | 13 |
Apple Varieties in Vermont - 1971 | W.H. Darrow, Sr. | 15 |
Jerseymac - Earlier and Prettier than McIntosh | L.F. Hough and C.H. Bailey | 17 |
Titan, a Seed Souce for F1 Almond x Nemaguard Peach Hybrids | R.W. Jones | 18 |
Variation in Germinability of Pear Seeds | K. Khatamian and R.J. Hilton | 20 |
Yield Potentials of Thornless Blackberry Cultivars in Maryland | D.H. Scott and L.W. Greeley | 22 |
April 1972, Number 2 |
Taste Evaluation of Apples from an Ontario Fruit Garden | H.F. Janson | 26 |
'Priscilla', a Fall Red Apple with Resistance to Apple Scab | E.B. Williams, J. Janick, F.H. Emerson, D.F. Dayton, J.B. Mowry, L.F. Hough and C. Bailey | 34 |
Observations on 'Magness', 'Moonglow', and 'Dawn' Pears in Indiana | J. Janick | 36 |
Proper Timing Is Vital to Peach Thinning | W.B. Sherman and C.E. Arnold | 37 |
Recent Muscadine Grape Releases from Georgia | R.P. Lane | 38 |
Apple Varieties in the San Joaquin Valley of California | P. Stark Jr. | 40 |
History of the 'Fort Vancouver' Apple and Tree | L.L. McGraw | 42 |
EMLA Fruit Trees | APS | 44 |
July 1972, Number 3 |
Apple Cultivars for the Cool, Humid, Climate of Northwest Washington | R.A. Norton | 50 |
Susceptibility of Prunus Rootstocks to Herbicede Injury | R.C. Rom | 54 |
Effects of Deflowering on the Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium australe Small | J.W. Hull | 58 |
Two New Peach Varieties for North Carolina | F.E. Correll and C.N. Clayton | 61 |
Pollen Compatibility Studies with European and Japanese Plums | C. Tehrani | 63 |
Some Effects of Gibberellic Acid Applications on Two French Hybrid Grape Varieties | D. Sperling and G.W. Eaton | 67 |
The Kaller Atemoya | J. Popenoe | 69 |
The effect of Seedling vs. Semidwarfing Rootstock on the Frost Hardiness of 'Stayman' Apple Blossoms | S.A. Weinbaum and C.M. Ritter | 70 |
October 1972, Number 4 |
Downing Monument Re-dedicated | G.L. Slate | 74 |
Vegetatively Propagated Selections of Prunus fruticosa as Dwarfing Stocks for Cherry | J.N. Cummins | 76 |
Golden Anniversary of Fruit Trials in England | L.D. Tukey | 79 |
Propagation Methods of Fruit Tree Cultivars from Hardwood Cuttings | S.L. Doud and R.F. Carlson | 80 |
Fire Blight Ratings, Bloom Dates, and Precosity of Apple Varieties Tested in the Southeast | J.M. Thompson | 84 |
Winter Injury to Buds of Fruit Trees in Michigan | F.G. Dennis Jr. and R.L. Andersen | 98 |