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Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest
(J Fruit Var & Hort Digest)

American Pomological Society

Volume 20

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January 1966, Number 1
Some of the "Whys" of Apple MutationF.L. Ashworth2
Apple Cultivar Performance in Southwest IowaC.C. Doll3
Winter Hardiness of Sweet Cherry Varieties in the Winter of 1964-65K. Lapins7
Comparative Resistance to Verticillium Wilt in the StrawberryW.B. Sherman, J. Hull and J. Janick8
Apple Introductions from Warmer ClimatesW.L. Ackerman and H.F. Winters11
Suggest Interplanting Richhaven PeachS. Johnston17
Balsgard Fruit Breeding InstituteAPS17
Foliar Gland Characters in Identification of Peach and Nectarine VarietiesAPS17
My Favorite Dessert ApplesR.D. Way18
July 1966, Number 3
Peach Trends in NortheastAPS43
The 'African Pride' Atemoya in FloridaJ. Popenoe44
The "True" Vandevere AppleJ.A. Moore45
Merton Cherries from EnglandAPS46
Spur Type ApplesAPS46
Sunrise Strawberry in MassachusettsAPS46
Elderberry VarietiesAPS46
The McKay Peach - A Hardy Variety for Northern GardensR. Nitschke47
Performance of Summer Apples in New JerseyAPS47
High Quality and Unusual Peach Varieties for the AmateurC.H. Bailey49
Breeding Hardy GrapesAPS50
Fruit Maturation Times of Strawberry VarietiesC.C. Zych51
Turley AppleR.B. Tukey53
The Story of the Concord GrapeH.B. Tukey54
Apples of Quality for EnglandC.P. Norbury56
The Eldorado PearM.D. Gibson57
Fruit Industry of IsraelG.M. Kessler58
Fruit Varieties in the NetherlandsAPS58
October 1966, Number 4
Chieftain, a New Apple from IowaE.L. Denisen, A.E. cott and B.S. Pickett62
Harmony, a New Nematode and Phylloxera Resistant Rootstock for Vinifera GrapeJ.H. Weinberger and F.N. Harmon63
The Granny Smith AppleW.A. Luce65
Response of Peach Varieties to Blossom FrostG.M. Weaver66
What's in a NameW.W. Teichman68
Processing ApplesAPS68
Dessert Grapes-Selection of Varieties with Exceptional Quality (Part I)H.C. Barrett69
Apple, Pear and Peach Cultivars Grown in ItalyF. Scaramuzzi73
The Mericourt Pear from TennesseeB.S. Pickett76