Authors: | R. Labourio, L. Høyer |
DOI: | 10.17660/ActaHortic.2001.543.9 |
This note presents experimental evidences that ethylene induced leaflet abscission in Radermachera sinica cannot be governed by molecular diffusion in a range of sub-optimal temperatures.
However, diffusion limitation occurs at temperatures around the optimum in all likelihood.
Moreover, it is demonstrated that neither protein transconformation nor phase transition are involved in the control of ethylene induced leaflet abscission in Radermachera sinica, in a temperature interval between 15 and 30oC.
The possibility of diffusion, protein transconformation and phase transition control of leaflet abscission are accessed through thermodynamic considerations based on the enthalpy variation of the leaf abscission process.
The conclusions are verified by varying the ethylene concentration and checking whether the rate of induced leaflet abscission changes accordingly.
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