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Volume 10 Part 1 Article 21
Year 1979
Title: Asymmetric Recovery of Component Nuclei in the Oidia from Dicaryotic Mycelia of Collybia velutipes
Author: K. Kinugawa


Brodie (1936) and Aschan-Aberg (1952, 1960) obtained neomonocaryon (neohaplont) from the dicaryotic mycelium by the isolation of monocaryotic oidia in Collybia velutipes. Brodie showed even distribution of the two original nuclear types among néomonocaryons, while Aschan-Aberg striking deviation of the distribution from the 1:1 ratio that is theoretically expected.

Brodie's result was confirmed later by Takemaru (1953). Attention was drawn to the obvious disparity seen between the results by Brodie and Aschan-Aberg. Aschan-Aberg (1960) was thinking that the frequency of the different nuclear types obtained by the oidial isolation might be connected with a tendency of monocaryotic hyphae on the dicaryotic mycelium to produce oidia. However, the implication of the word "tendency" is still obscure.

In this experiment, the asymmetric segregation ratio of the different nuclear components among oidial population from the dicaryotic mycelium of Collybia velutipes and the cytoplasmic influence on the ratio were reported.

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